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  • Good morning. I saw your site on Mac84 tonight and noticed you needed a IIci logic board photo for your capacitor page. I'm prepping for recapping this one so I thought I would grab a shot and send it your way for inclusion on your site.
    FYI, your IIci page states the axials are 16v, but mine are 25v nichicon SE(M) series.

    - MrTechGadget

    And also fun fact: The 170 is the best System 6 laptop Apple ever made - and one of the few able to run it, along with the Portable, 100, 140, and the 145!
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    Reactions: eric and Fizzbinn
    5 months later... How do you get system 6 on a 170?
    Two ways.
    1. These shipped with System 6.0.7 in Japan because they hadn't finished the translation for System 7 yet. Decades ago, someone figured this out and hacked together an English copy based on the modified version. That's the one I've used.
    2. David Cook on 68kMLA went recently and patched 6.0.8L to run on additional systems, including the PowerBooks that could run the modified copy of 6.0.7 previously. I've yet to try this out on own system, been meaning to.
    Just soldered up and installed a V2 BlueSCSI into my PowerBook 170 - it’s had it hinge mounts replaced, RAM maxed to 8MB, and now this. Just need to replace its interconnect board to get internal sound working again and it’s finished.
    Lookin good! My 170 is in parts on my desk, i almost put it back together last weekend but got distracted :D
    The PowerBook 3400c's power board is right under the trackpad, and as such heats it up quite a bit after running for a while! Heated trackpads should be a real feature, my fingers can get pretty chilly in the basement, and the trackpad actually can help haha.
    TIL: A fast 68030 CAN play MP3 files, but will not smoothy play through anything higher than 32kbps, so they don't sound too good!
    Kai Robinson
    Kai Robinson
    Does having an FPU make any difference?
    Not sure, the one I was using (PowerBook 150) doesn’t have one. I can give it a go on my 180c (same clock, with FPU), but it has half the RAM so that will probably affect things.
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