Recent content by alxlab

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. alxlab

    Identifying memory modules.

    Guessing it's a less common 2MB SIMM since all the other DRAM marked with 514400 are 1Mx4 DRAM:
  2. alxlab

    Macintosh SE or SE/30 Fan Bracket

    You could try JLCPCB and see what they're charging. Alternatively I could make one for you out of black PETG for $8 USD. I'd have to calculate the shipping though from Montreal to your address. PM me if your interested.
  3. alxlab

    Macintosh SE or SE/30 Fan Bracket

    No new tweaks to the design since the last 3D model was released.
  4. alxlab

    Bourns Again - Bourns 601 Series RC Network T-Filters Replacement

    Yeah looks like the resistor is out of stock,. The other U1 error can be ignored.
  5. alxlab

    Totally missed your comment! Better late than never...

    Totally missed your comment! Better late than never?
  6. alxlab

    Apple SWIM Chip Adapters

    Apple SWIM Chip Adapters This project is for a couple of chip adapters to convert the PLCC-28 and PLCC-44 Apple SWIM chips to DIP-28. The intention of the project was to allow me to use the PLCC-44 SWIM chip from my battery bombed Macintosh Classic in a Macintosh SE to give it 1.44MB floppy...
  7. alxlab

    BlueSCSI - Open, Low Cost, DIY SCSI to SD device

    Glad it ended up just being a simple issue (y)
  8. alxlab

    BlueSCSI - Open, Low Cost, DIY SCSI to SD device

    Your adapter shouldn't be reversed if you have power. I've seen a similar issue with a hard drive when termination was not on but I'm assuming you have your BlueSCSI terminated. I've also seen similar issues with floppy drives in Macs. I have a couple 800k drives that if I put them in my Mac...
  9. alxlab

    Any Tips for Repairing a Mangled PQFP?

    I never knew this but it seems that the UV light tends to make flux residue show up as bright yellow. It's useful when trying to clean off all the residue.
  10. alxlab

    The great LCD in a Color Classic thread. Well, I wish...

    This sounds like an interesting project. You wouldn't happen to have the pinouts you've worked out so far posted anywhere would you? I didn't notice them on the original 68kmla post. Regarding the edge connector of the logic board and analog board, we could probably make one out of a separate...
  11. alxlab

    Any Tips for Repairing a Mangled PQFP?

    I had bought this particular set off of aliexpress for less than $7 CAD. The uv flash light was real garbage though. Ended up buying the Darkbeam A300 UV flash light instead which was a looooooot better.
  12. alxlab

    Removing Thermal Epoxy

    If anyone need to remove thermal epoxy from a CPU like this: I've discovered that soaking the chip in acetone overnight will soften the epoxy so it can be scrapped off like butter 🧈 This is way better then all the suggestions I've seen online like using a Dremel or spending hours scrapping.
  13. alxlab

    Any Tips for Repairing a Mangled PQFP?

    Here's the board with all the 0.10mm bodge wires . Here's the final result! Great success! I ended up using a replacement chip with no socket. All I can say is that I would recommend using JB Weld to fix pads. I was able to apply 300C for a fair amount of time with no pads detaching again.
  14. alxlab

    ROM Clips for securing custom ROM SIMMs in an SE/30

    I've only used JLCPCB as a 3D printing service and own Prusa i3 mk3s which is an FDM printer. My two cents regarding FDM 3D printing material for a clip is that I would highly recommend PETG over PLA. As mentioned before PETG is gives a good mix of flexibility, rigidity, ease of printing and...
  15. alxlab

    Macintosh Portable Battery Adapter

    Update on the supercapacitor tests I did to try to get the Quantum Fireball hard drive to work. The bottom line is that my Macintosh Portable had problems spinning up that Quantum Fireball drive even with a SLA battery in the end. It would work sometimes and other times it wouldn't (not spin...