Recent content by Daxeria

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Daxeria

    TinkerDifferent Game night! - December 2024

    The 21st happens to be Marathon's 30th anniversary... :)
  2. Daxeria

    Urgent answer needed, 800kb floppy disks in 1.44mb floppy drive?

    The PowerBook 170 is fully compatible with both 800K and 1.44MB floppy disks. (y)
  3. Daxeria

    Anyone else a huge fan of the Alien franchise?

    This seems like an appropriate place to recommend the Aliens strategy game for Classic Mac OS that resurfaced last year.
  4. Daxeria

    System sounds in Sys6

    7th Symphony was written for this express purpose:
  5. Daxeria

    1st Post: Just Fired Up My G4 Mirror Door For The First Time In Years

    Those actually aren't arcade machine ROMs. They're arcade game parodies in the format of interactive fiction, also known as text adventures. The .z5 files are Inform (Z-Machine) games, and the .gam files are TADS games. You need an interpreter like Zoom to play them. If you're unfamiliar with...
  6. Daxeria

    Tetris Max High Score Contest — Saturday, October 14, 2023

    The creator of Tetris Max is holding a contest this Saturday to crown the game's world champion:
  7. Daxeria

    [High Score Challenge 03] Glypha: Vintage, Glypha III v1.0.1 and Tetris (Spectrum Holobytes)

    Glypha III v1.0.1 — 126500 Tetris (Spectrum HoloByte) — 6429
  8. Daxeria

    [High Score Challenge 01] Get the highest score for 1-3 of these games

    Glider 4.0 — 285439 Mac•Man — 6020 Flappy Mac — 59