Urgent answer needed, 800kb floppy disks in 1.44mb floppy drive?

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Oct 29, 2023
Hi all, I am not sure where this is meant to go so I will also be adding it into another section, but I am needing to know very soon whether or not a powerbook 170 floppy disk drive, will be able to read and install software from 800 kb floppy diskettes? I have found a listing on ebay for some office programs and maybe even some os related floppy disks, but I need to know if the 800 kb one in the lot will work with my PB170 or not. I and almost certian that the 1.44 mb floppy diskettes will work in the drive.

Please any help would be greatly appreciated, as I need to know this soon. And before any goes suggesting that I go and try researching it, why do you think I am on here asking for help?! I have spent all morning (about 3 straight hours) scouring the internet for this information and found nothing. I trust me when I say that I wouldn't be coming here and annoying you all with this question if I hadn't already thoroughly tried to find the answer myself.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2022
Closing thread, this is already in the proper place under Powerbooks and isn't a software related question. It's hardware related.
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