Recent content by Garth Beagle

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Garth Beagle

    Comparing stock fan vs. Noctua in an SE/30 with temperature data

    This is great info, thanks so much!
  2. Garth Beagle

    Radius Artica Display with custom DVI cable

    It certainly matches a Blue and White G3 very well! Here using a SGI Multilink adapter converting to DVI connected to an ATI Radeon 9200LE.
  3. Garth Beagle

    Radius Artica Display with custom DVI cable

    I had no idea these existed until one came up for free near me recently. This one is the SGI variant though, which seems to have been simply a rebadge of the Radius Artica, thus coming full circle? 😄 The front SGI badge is a sticker and you can see how they put a replacement SGI sticker over...
  4. Garth Beagle

    Software-only OVERCLOCK for LC475, LC575, Quadra 605

    This is great! Looking forward to a newer release so I can give it a go on my stack of LC/Performa 475 and Quadra 605 Macs 😁
  5. Garth Beagle

    Software-only OVERCLOCK for LC475, LC575, Quadra 605

    I used your build you'd attached in the comments to your video.
  6. Garth Beagle

    Software-only OVERCLOCK for LC475, LC575, Quadra 605

    I did some testing with this a little while back and didn't run into any issues using a BlueSCSI v2 off the internal SCSI bus. I was able to overclock a Quadra 605 with its stock 25MHz CPU and a LC 475 which had already been HW overclocked to 33MHz. Both ran ok at 40MHz, the highest it’d set...
  7. Garth Beagle

    Schematics for LC475/Quadra 605 ?

    Hello everyone! Anyone know where I can find schematics for LC475/Quadra 605 variants? Or if they exist in the wild at all? I've used LC III schematics before to do repairs since the systems are "similar" but would much rather have the correct ones Thanks!
  8. Garth Beagle


    Very cool seeing all the packaging for the MacTilt! And yes that's my Mac SE/30 and stands - I totally love these stands, how they look and move. Seems almost like a perfect matching design.
  9. Garth Beagle

    VCF Midwest September, 10-11 2022

    I plan to be there! .. And My Axe!
  10. Garth Beagle

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    So great you got it all working, and the reward of that speed!
  11. Garth Beagle

    Looking for PCI PC Compatibility cards software CDs

    They've been found, thanks to @Mac84!
  12. Garth Beagle

    PowerPC G4's - MPC7410RX500LE

    Hmm intreaging 🤔
  13. Garth Beagle

    PowerPC G4's - MPC7410RX500LE

    Would those work in a Blue & White G3?
  14. Garth Beagle

    Looking for PCI PC Compatibility cards software CDs

    Hey hey - Anyone happen to have copies of these CDs? They would have come with the (at least) 12" PCI PC Compatibility cards Apple sold to go into various PCI Power Macintosh systems. These include the PC side drivers that are needed for these cards along with the much easier to obtain PC...
  15. Garth Beagle

    Macintosh SE BlueSCSI mount/adapter for external access?

    Hey hey - I'm looking for an adapter (or mount really) for a BlueSCSI to allow it to be accessible from the Macintosh SE's rear expansion port. I've seen one for a RaSCSI for example, but just haven't found one yet for a regular BlueSCSI - does anyone make and sell these? I do not have a 3D...