Recent content by lilliputian

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. lilliputian

    Jaz USB Adapter

  2. lilliputian

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    This all reminds of SCSI Accelerator for the Plus which comes with multiple versions of the extension, which adds different numbers of pause commands and such, based on the capabilities of the hard drive that was being used:
  3. lilliputian

    ThinkC MacDock dev progress -- Like today's macOS Dock but for System 7

    Perhaps Opt-Shift-Click? Having two modifiers would also ensure that it's a deliberate action and isn't invoked accidentally by the user. You could also add a preference for customizing which modifier(s) is/are used, but obviously that's extra work for you on the back-end.
  4. lilliputian

    ThinkC MacDock dev progress -- Like today's macOS Dock but for System 7

    I just realized from your notes on the latest Alpha release from the 11th that in order to keep an item in the dock you have to Ctrl-Click its icon when it's open. Unfortunately, pre-ADB Macintosh keyboards don't have a Ctrl key!
  5. lilliputian

    Disk Jockey v3 for macOS is out!

    Congratulations on a monumental milestone! HFS+ is a big step. I still hold out hope for DC6 NDIF image compatibility, but I know it's a tougher problem than most, given that most such files are compressed.
  6. lilliputian

    68k Mini vMac booting SCSI Device images

    My guess is that it's an oversight, I would highly doubt that there is anything in these new versions that can't be done in earlier OSes, considering that it can be compiled to run on an 68k machine.
  7. lilliputian

    Logic Board - Macintosh Classic Reloaded

    The RTC was successfully reverse-engineered not so long ago, so you may be able to get one afterall if you can't find a donor.
  8. lilliputian

    Mac Crate 40MB External Hard Drive info and repair

    Hi @Elemenoh, just got myself a MacCrate as well. The power supply of mine came dead, with a blown resistor at R4 and a dead fuse. I'm going to try and fix it, hopefully it was just those two elements. Hopefully I can find a photo of a functional PSU to read the resistor value... PS. Mine came...
  9. lilliputian

    Compact Mac Video Adapter

    Are you trying to fix/replace the internal display, or just looking to add an external monitor to your SE/30?
  10. lilliputian

    MODAM Mac Plus I/F Card

    Adrian's Digital Basement did a video recently on a similar device, which he got working with a modern monitor by using an RGB2HDMI: It ended up being a Radius Full Page Display Card from c. 1986.
  11. lilliputian

    Max HD size on PowerBook 180 (100 series) ?

    System Enablers can be copied from another drive, it does not need to be placed by the installer. However, a normal error for a wrong or missing enabler is simply being told that the System is incompatible with your machine, not the Sad Mac screen. :(
  12. lilliputian

    68k Mini vMac booting SCSI Device images

    Regarding formatting the Tash20, it is a little inconvenient, as you have to script it and do things in the terminal? I'm still a bit unclear in how it's supposed to work. If you do have a Mac OS 8/9/X machine that you can connect a USB sd card reader to though, you can at least format it as HFS...
  13. lilliputian

    68k Mini vMac booting SCSI Device images

    As long as we're making a wishlist, it would also be interesting to get a more robust floppy controller emulator that could be used to work with a larger variety of floppy disk images, as well as HD20 images, like those used in tashtari's tash20 (or, indeed, real HD20s). Currently anything above...
  14. lilliputian

    ThinkC MacDock dev progress -- Like today's macOS Dock but for System 7

    After fiddling with it, it appears that the "blank" spot (which was present at launch) is MacDock itself. Clicking on it from another program switches to make MacDock active in the Application Menu.