Excited to go this year. Went last year, met actionretro briefly. Was dope af. Will be down to meet up with fellow tinkerdiff folk if you're down. Not sure which day I'll go to, most likely Sat.
Hey all,
Just wanted to give an update.
The thread on that other forum from 2018 contains photos that are no longer linked or the url's are down, so I had to cross reference the pinouts from here, thanks to Eric, JDW, and everyone else involved...
Awesome thank you, I think I will hold off recapping this powersupply for now and just remove the caps, clean it with vinegar, and put it into storage. I am going to Frankenbuild the best se/30 from two machines I have. One of them has the Aztec psu that is still operational but I’m going to...
Hi I am in process of restoring my Macintosh SE/30 and thanks to JDW’s awesome video I am going to replace the stock unit I have with a seasonic. The only issue I’m worried about is that I couldn’t find the same model for anywhere near the price range it was once at, but I did find and purchase...
Hi I am new here, and stumbled upon this thread just now and actually it is just what I needed to read. I have 2 SE/30 Macintosh. One is currently being recapped and cleaned, but I purchased a second se/30 which had a better looking crt only to discover the mobo is horribly battery bombed and...
Hi I am new to these forums but am with only a FDM ender 3 v2 and I can’t print these successfully. Can I get two? I will gladly pay extra I just don’t want to support the eBay seller who is making too much on these.