Recent content by OzRetrocomp

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. OzRetrocomp

    Rare Indian BBC Micro clone surfaces on Twitter

    I'm not sure. Assuming it's going to one of the major British computing museums (Centre for Computing History or TMNOC Bletchley Park), I have no doubt they'll take plenty of photos and put out some sort of announcement once the machine is there and ready to be shown off.
  2. OzRetrocomp

    MacBook / Powerbook Chonk Chart

    Saw this and it it made me laugh.
  3. OzRetrocomp

    I figure this is as good a place as any for a status update... Just a heads up that my YouTube...

    I figure this is as good a place as any for a status update... Just a heads up that my YouTube channel is currently in hiatus. There are a few reasons for this, but the main reason is because I'm expecting to move house at some point this year, although the timing is unclear. In preparation...
  4. OzRetrocomp

    Other vintage computers - Spectrum and others

    Bumped, mainly due to the tumbleweeds forming in the Acorn and Sinclair subforums.
  5. OzRetrocomp

    Rare Indian BBC Micro clone surfaces on Twitter

    This is a Dolphin Hope, which is a licenced BBC Micro clone made in India in 1984. Twitter user @sandeeproy1 posted this, stating that it was his first computer. As you can imagine, it's sent the Acorn community into a bit of a spin as it's a previously unknown BBC Micro clone. There was...
  6. OzRetrocomp

    Resource Categories

    Would it be possible to use the Resources tab to link to things both on-site (such as threads with how-tos or other important forum threads) and off-site e.g. Steve's Vintage Mac Price Guide, Bruce's recapping guides etc? If so, the Resources tab could be useful for content aggregation purposes...
  7. OzRetrocomp

    Other vintage computers - Spectrum and others

    Just thinking out loud here... might it be worth folding the Vintage Acorn and Vintage Sinclair category into a "Vintage British" category? At least until the demand for separate Sinclair and/or Acorn subforums has been proven. I know there are already forums out there for Sinclair and Acorn...
  8. OzRetrocomp

    My first VIC20

    Congrats! The default answer to the VIC-20 "now what?" question is the Penultimate+ cartridge. Switchable RAM expansion (3K-35K), about 70 game ROMs and a dead test. Of course if 70 games isn't enough for you, you can always get yourself an SD2IEC or similar 1540/1541 compatible SD card drive...