Recent content by Patrick

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Patrick

    MiSTER Pi - first impressions

    I picked up the one that uses a DE-10 and it took over a year to get it because of the pandemic. I set it up for a few 8bit and 16 bit consoles. (NES / sega) and havn't used it much after that. Have you tried it with the Mac PLUS core yet?
  2. Patrick

    Best OS for Portable 5120?

    i think you answered it with 6 being the best. If you have at least 4MB of ram on the portable. system 7 should be .. usable. How much memory do you have? (i think technically system 7 should be happy with 2.5)
  3. Patrick

    NeXT Station Color Collection for sale

    wasn't the soundbox also the powersupply or something? basically you couldn't operate the computer without one? (i might me thinking of something else. I know the 20th anniversary mac is like that) the NeXT computer (any one) and a G4 cube is on my would like to have one day list....
  4. Patrick

    MS-DOS v1.25, v2.0, v4.0 Source Code Released (MIT)

    i'm posting replies everytime i find or think of something new. I think MS-DOS 4.0 is one of those weird versions where its confusing about WHICH one you are talking about. wikipedia has some info on this version. (4.0) I mostly remember MS-DOS 5 and 6. .. i think i found an old computer...
  5. Patrick

    MS-DOS v1.25, v2.0, v4.0 Source Code Released (MIT)

    Ars article talks more about mutli-tasking dos. (which never happened)
  6. Patrick

    MS-DOS v1.25, v2.0, v4.0 Source Code Released (MIT)

    Its mentioned in the readme that they released the sourcecode originally to the computer history museum back in 2014. But now its on github so its easier for the rest of us to look at it. which is supper cool. Also Macpaint and quick draw was giving to the CHM...
  7. Patrick

    New Toy: Dell Latitude D630 (Windows 7 Pro)

    this is taking me back. about a decade ago i used to be helpdesk support for a small office. and this is exactly the laptop and model i would support. The docks could be a bit funky. i don't think they like being hotswaped.
  8. Patrick

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    could you use something like this ? to cross compile from x86 to Power9 ?
  9. Patrick

    Mac IIcx monitor options

    There were a bunch of converter mac to vga box's. most with little dip switches so you can configure it correctly. They dont' always work with all monitors. is a new one.... which should be available to be sold soon. (its currently sold out) He...
  10. Patrick

    Disk Jockey Jr 2.0.0, now on Linux!

    I think the link,, is malformed. the link data seems to be the paragraph of test.
  11. Patrick

    eBay seller PSA

    I almost paid for a 400k floppy disk till i realized it was "reproduction" shoot i know not everybody can. but *I* can make copies of floppy images i downloaded from the garden also.
  12. Patrick

    Anyone else a huge fan of the Alien franchise?

    speaking of things thats surprising that people havn't seen it. there is a couple youtube channels first time watching star trek. .... like TOS and TNG. i find that wild. But i guess if you are younger you may not be that exposed to star trek. ... (or alien(s) i guess)
  13. Patrick

    Anyone else a huge fan of the Alien franchise?

    I liked this video an astronomer reacts to Alien(s)
  14. Patrick

    Migrating from SCSI2SD v5.2 to BlueSCSI v2

    I think thats a new feature. .. and wasn't around when this thread started. so yes? i think so? i didn't try it.
  15. Patrick

    Migrating from SCSI2SD v5.2 to BlueSCSI v2

    there is a real way. but it is a bit of a hack. and would require some work to get it working. context: The problem with SCSI2SD is that it doesn't really do disk images. its just raw data right onto the SD card. which you configure start and end bytes for your scsi devices via a java app. (so...