Recent content by RetroTheory

  1. RetroTheory

    Reviving a sad looking Quadra 840av

    Wow great job, congrats on getting it going again. That board was with a stack of 4 840AV boards that originally was part of Apple waste back in the day when the 840av was current. Apple were less careful with their waste back then and these were thrown out due to cosmetic issues. At the time...
  2. RetroTheory

    Happy 40th! [ATTACH]

    Happy 40th!
  3. RetroTheory

    Design68: A 65% replacement keyboard using AppleDesign controllers

    There is also this clone made by ALPS (MEADB-), But inside we have a familiar IC. Not sure if the membrane layout is the same though
  4. RetroTheory

    Design68: A 65% replacement keyboard using AppleDesign controllers

    Great project , I have a few different ones Made in Czech Rep. 3 Screws on base Assembled in Thailand, 4 screws on base
  5. RetroTheory

    Macintosh IIsi - VGA Video?

    The VGA monitor config is not available on the IIsi, best to select something like "Apple Macintosh Color Display" or any of the monitor types here without the '*' and hope the monitor can do composite sync / sync on green
  6. RetroTheory

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    Great work , I got a chance to try it out today on the Powerbook 180. Speed is about 30K/s. I coudn't pin it down, but it seemed I had to ping out from the powerbook with MacPing to get the network to go live. Will do more testing ..
  7. RetroTheory

    Tinker Different 2024 Calendar Competition

    Sounds like a cool event, here are my two entries. o7
  8. RetroTheory

    BlueSCSI v2 Pico - Low cost, open hardware, fast SCSI device!

    Some cool things are possible with SCSI target mode and bluescsi, here I have no drive at all in IIsi, both the HD and the CD image are mounted over target mode from my powerbook 180.
  9. RetroTheory

    Time for an Athlon-XP Build - Project Middlesex (Now with pretty pictures!)

    Sold a lot of pcs with this case back in the day, I knew I had at least 1 hanging around , I think I have the bones of a second. Yours for postage if you want. It would go though normal post as none of the couriers I use will send to uk. These pictures were taken today.
  10. RetroTheory

    Rominator II programming options

    This might be of interest
  11. RetroTheory

    Macintosh Portable Issue - Screeching Noise

    Oh thanks for that, That will be next on my list to check.
  12. RetroTheory

    G5 7.2 DP won't boot

    Back in late 2003 I was given the offer to buy a dead G5 Dual 1.8, for very very little money. It was doing what yours is, power on, immediate protection shutdown. I removed 1 processor in turn and discovered one of them had a short . One cpu had visibly blown mosfet or transistor . I...
  13. RetroTheory

    IIci with no SCSI

    It's possible the scsi chip is blown but I would look also around UD11 (VIA) , as there are 3 caps there that can leak and do damage there, and some control signals for scsi pass through that IC.
  14. RetroTheory

    Strange Plus Mod?!

    That looks like a capacitor, maybe some sort of hacky way to stabilise screen during floppy access , rather than address the fault directly.