Recent content by splorp

  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. splorp

    The Interim Computer Festival — Spring 2025

    Calling all PNW retrocomputing enthusiasts! The SDF Public Access UNIX System is presenting another Interim Computer Festival! Two days of nerdy fun in Seattle, featuring exhibits, speakers, demos, and (hopefully) a swapmeet. Intraspace 3100 Airport Way South Seattle, WA 98134 March 22nd &...
  2. splorp

    Connecting eMate to Mac OSX - "there was no response"

    I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong, but from my experience (and discussions on the NewtonTalk list) NCX does have some issues with macOS beyond Catalina (10.15) or so. I can try it on one of my Sonoma machines and double check. Unfortunately, Simon Bell (the developer of NCX) is no...
  3. splorp

    eMate no power due to blown fuse

    I would ask Frank Gründel. If anyone can identity a particular part in a Newton circuit, it would be him.
  4. splorp

    eMate 300 Restoration progress—My notes and your advice

    Looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
  5. splorp

    Massive (filthy) find in South Carolina

    I get itchy just looking at these images.
  6. splorp

    eMate 300 Restoration progress—My notes and your advice

    Yep. Frank Gründel has a pretty good walkthrough … There are a couple other options listed in the Newton FAQ … How do I recondition or rebuild a Newton battery pack?
  7. splorp

    eMate 300 Restoration progress—My notes and your advice

    Once you get the eMate up and running (and are able to connect to it), you’ll need to install this patch for the OS to recognize any year after 2010. Additional reading:
  8. splorp

    eMate 300 Restoration progress—My notes and your advice

    Let me see if I can offer some answers to your questions … Are you trying to save whatever is currently on the eMate? If so, the easiest way might be to locate a memory card and perform a backup directly to that. You’ll need a Mini-DIN (DIN-8) serial cable to connect to one of your older...
  9. splorp

    The Gold Tee

    Sounds good! Glad I could help.
  10. splorp

    The Gold Tee

    I found a reference to software called “Gold Tee at Bighorn” in the 1995 Newton Solutions Guide. I’m pretty sure that this is the same thing. Here’s the description from the listing on page 13: Enjoy lifelike graphics and...
  11. splorp

    The Interim Computer Festival — Fall 2024

    The SDF Public Access UNIX System is presenting The Interim Computer Festival Fall 2024! Two days of retrocomputing fun, featuring exhibits and demos from the Commodore / Amiga collector community. Intraspace 3100 Airport Way South Seattle, WA 98134 October 5th & 6th, 2024 10:00 am – 6:00 pm...
  12. splorp

    Found my original iPod (M8541), and it's a beauty

    Still have mine as well. Love the beefiness of these devices.
  13. splorp

    Newton MessagePad 130 Repair Guide?

    Frank Gründel of PDA-Soft has documented a number of fixes for the MessagePad 130, including mention of the “very poorly manufactured” resistors. His full disassembly guide can be found here...
  14. splorp

    What the SIT! released

    I genuinely love this sort of project. Well done, Eric!
  15. splorp

    Global Newton Users Meetup #15

    I’m expecting another meetup to be schedule for later this month. I’ll make sure to post the details when they’re available.