Recent content by vtgearhead

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  1. V

    Recapped SE/30 with No Video

    Please don't take this the wrong way, but if your bench skills are limited it's much healthier (in the physical sense) to not poke around in the display electronics. Beside the second anode lead from the flyback to the tube, there are high voltages on the analog PCB.
  2. V

    Recapped SE/30 with No Video

    It could mean just about anything (motherboard, cabling, something on the analog board), but first step is to find out if heater voltage in the SE/30 is tapped off the flyback. I took a quick glance at the available diagrams and it's really not clear how the heater is powered.
  3. V

    Can anyone help evaluate these CPU upgrades?

    Thanks very much for bringing clarity to the situation! The really weird part is that I have no recollection of ever owning an Old World PPC mac. At least I know what platforms are required to check them out in realtime.
  4. V

    Can anyone help evaluate these CPU upgrades?

    The Sonnet G3 was in my long-defunct Motorola Starmax system. From memory, that was not a NuBus machine. The others all have the same card-edge connector, so I think if one fits in a motherboard then they all will. I do know that the Power Computing cards were intended as direct replacements...
  5. V

    Can anyone help evaluate these CPU upgrades?

    Over years of swap meets and hamfests I've accumulated a pile of slotted processor upgrades for G3 era Macs. Unfortunately I do not have any system that uses this form factor and I don't know what their operational status might be. Is there anyone on this forum that lives in the US and might...
  6. V

    Recapped SE/30 with No Video

    I can't tell from the available diagrams, but some video displays powered the CRT filament from a winding on the flyback transformer. If that's the case with the SE/30 then missing H-Sync from the motherboard would result in the symptoms you describe.
  7. V

    Remove and socket SE/30 CPU?

    I had it on 3 of 4. Everything cleared fine except for that one pin. I'm just happy that the system worked afterwards!
  8. V

    Remove and socket SE/30 CPU?

    I finally screwed up my courage and took the Hakko to my SE/30 motherboard. Everything went reasonably well, but there was one stinker pin that I couldn't clear - tried everything to no avail. I wiggled it with a pair of needlenose pliers and the chip came loose, taking the via barrel with it...
  9. V

    Configuring the NFS/Share client on System Software

    I'm not sure what you mean by configuration file, but here are a couple of tarballs for you. The 486 is prebuilt for Intel linux (32-bit). The other is source code that should build on any modern platform if the "usual" build tools are in place (e.g. make, C-compiler). All I did was start...
  10. V

    Configuring the NFS/Share client on System Software

    I believe that you simply need rpc.pcnfsd running on the NFS server. It hasn't been part of any Linux distro for over 20 years, but source is still out there. I built it today and after starting it (as root) on the server I was able to authenticate using NFS/Share. However, on OS 8.1 it...
  11. V

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    I solved my problem (failure of Daynaport SCSI to automatically reconnect remote volumes at restart) by moving up to OS 8.1. If you enable 'Modem Manager' in that environment the system properly registers on the Appletalk network during boot and, lo and behold, the remote volumes appear with...
  12. V

    4.5V Battery Replacement for Early Compact Macs?

    I picked up (12) LR50 batteries for $19 + shipping:
  13. V

    4.5V Battery Replacement for Early Compact Macs?

    Sure, here 'tis:
  14. V

    4.5V Battery Replacement for Early Compact Macs?

    I had originally planned to put heatshrink tubing around three LR50 cells, but simply stacking them in the Mac / MacPlus battery compartment works fine. The contact pressure holds everything together.
  15. V

    Remove and socket SE/30 CPU?

    Hakko recommends 3-4 as proper settings for a multi-layer board with power planes. I'm going to use the preheater and bring it to 100C before applying the FR-301. Belt + suspenders! Keeping my fingers crossed :)