Crucible for the SMC ROM SIMM

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New Tinkerer
Nov 25, 2022
Thanks for interesting our SMC ROM SIMM, If you don't mind, please tell me who said ROM-inatorII doesn't work with Carrera040. or link (?)
I didn't check it for a long time, but I tried booting, testing with System7.1, 7.5, and booting the ROM disk with their combination, but there was no particular problem in my test.

I will test with our SMC ROM SIMM with Carrera040 if I have a time, see you!

Hey I might be mixing things up here. The ROM-inator II page says Daystar accelerators are not compatible:

But maybe that doesn't apply to the MicroMac (or Bolle) Carrera040?

I have a ROM-inator-II and I just ordered one of your SMC ROM SIMMs. I also have a Bolle Carrera040. So I could test both when I have some time.
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Kay K.M.Mods

Active Tinkerer
Sep 23, 2021
Hey I might be mixing things up here. The ROM-inator II page says Daystar accelerators are not compatible:

But maybe that doesn't apply to the MicroMac (or Bolle) Carrera040?

I have a ROM-inator-II and I just ordered one of your SMC ROM SIMMs. I also have a Bolle Carrera040. So I could test both when I have some time.
All I can say is that both Turbo040 and Carrera040 are compatible with ROM-inatorII. I think Steve Chamberlin expressed it that way because he couldn't test enough at that time.
SMC ROM SIMM is also compatible with Turbo040 and Carrera040. It would be nice if someone did a long test. maybe you😁
Turbo040 and Carrera040 are rare cards, so I don't know if it's worth trying, but people will love them with Custom ROM SIMM Cards!

@JDW is the only person I know who uses ROM-inator and Turbo040 together...
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Oct 31, 2021
I'm so impressed with this software! Really takes a majority of the guesswork out of programming for a newbie. For those of us with SE/30 reloaded boards, are there any plans to implement a "bitswap" option to generate .bin files for that use case? Either way, great work to all involved.

Kay K.M.Mods

Active Tinkerer
Sep 23, 2021
I'm so impressed with this software! Really takes a majority of the guesswork out of programming for a newbie. For those of us with SE/30 reloaded boards, are there any plans to implement a "bitswap" option to generate .bin files for that use case? Either way, great work to all involved.
Hi, It was developed for SMC ROM SIMM. I think Bolle makes stuff for his SE/30 recreation, but this Crucible App has nothing to do with his product.
But thank you for having interest!

This Does Not Compute

Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
So maybe I missed it elsewhere, but here goes: Is there a way to get Crucible to either 1) output a single file to flash to a ROM SIMM (like when using a tool like the CayMac Vintage ROMmate programmer), or 2) merge the four files into a single one? (Just append one after the other in a hex editor maybe?)
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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
... 1) output a single file to flash to a ROM SIMM (like when using a tool like the CayMac Vintage ROMmate programmer),
or 2) merge the four files into a single one? (Just append one after the other in a hex editor maybe?)
Colin, I cannot speak for Crucible v1.1 or a future v1.2 version that may add the functionality, but Downtown Doug Brown's SIMM Programmer 2.0 app allows you to do either, as I demonstrate here. The app works on all ROM SIMMs from all vendors, and I confirmed it to work perfectly with the CayMac ROMmate programmer v1 and v2 (CayMac store is currently closed while Will attends VCF), as well as the BMOW SIMM Programmer (no longer sold).

This Does Not Compute

Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
Colin, I cannot speak for Crucible v1.1 or a future v1.2 version that may add the functionality, but Downtown Doug Brown's SIMM Programmer 2.0 app allows you to do either, as I demonstrate here. The app works on all ROM SIMMs from all vendors, and I confirmed it to work perfectly with the CayMac ROMmate programmer v1 and v2 (CayMac store is currently closed while Will attends VCF), as well as the BMOW SIMM Programmer (no longer sold).
Sorry, I should have been clearer on my use case -- I'm interested in using Crucible because it offers an easy way to customize the Happy Mac icon in the ROM. The SIMM Programmer app doesn't seem to be able to do that. So basically I'm looking for a way to take the output from Crucible and use it with SIMM Programmer. (I have a v1 ROMmate.)
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Kay K.M.Mods

Active Tinkerer
Sep 23, 2021
This is designed to make our ROM-SIMMs convenient to use, so we hope you will use our At that time, many manufacturers were trying to develop ROM-SIMMs, so we also needed to differentiate ourselves. Please understand. recombine the four split files, the following steps can be taken:

The four split files U1, U2, U3, and U4 created by Crusible can be recombined with the following command with SRecode:

srec_cat U1.bin -binary -append U2.bin -binary -append U3.bin -binary -append U4.bin -binary -o rom_combined.bin -binary

For more information on SRecode, see my blog. *Here is how to split it into 4 parts:

Crucible replaced my ROM generation method with an app, which was programmed by Gean (aka. One-Geek-Army) under my supervision.
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Jan 10, 2022
So basically I'm looking for a way to take the output from Crucible and use it with SIMM Programmer. (I have a v1 ROMmate.)

Hi, I'm the author of the SIMM Programmer software (@JDW pointed me to this thread). As an alternative approach to Kay's excellent suggestion above, you can also accomplish this by clicking the "Flash individual chips..." button in the main window. This takes you to a new screen where you can check the four checkboxes for flashing IC1 through IC4. I'm not sure if U1 through U4 correspond with IC1 through IC4 or IC4 through IC1 in my software, but it should be one of those two combinations. I haven't tested this for a while but I believe it should work. Here's a screenshot of the UI in the programmer app in Windows:

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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
After reading what @dougg3 wrote, I went back through my old emails from August 2023 (when I made my ROM SIMM video), and found that I did test what Doug suggests...

I used the Kero's Mac Mods "Crucible" app to create a bootable System 6.0.7 DSK image, then I used the app to generate the 4 files. I programmed the 4 files to individual chips on Kay Koba's 2MB ROM SIMM using the v2 SIMM Programmer app, then tested on my SE/30 by pressing "r" and "a" keys held down. It boots as a RAM disk
In other words, you can use Crucible like normal, choosing your custom icon, then export the 4 files from Crucible, then use Doug’s app to flash those 4 files to the individual ROM chips, just as Doug said. It's really neat because you just leave the chips socketed in the ROM SIMM (sitting in your v1 ROMmate programmer), and then Doug's app will write the 4 separate files to the chips. In fact, I found another old email which contained my video notes as follows...

For 2MB ROM SIMM from Kero's Mac Mods:
  1. In the top right corner of the ROM SIMM Programmer app window, click the "SIMM Capacity" popup and choose "2MB (4x 4Mb PLCC)".
  2. At the bottom left of the ROM SIMM Programmer window, click the "Flash individual chips..." button.
  3. You will see two groups of 4 checkboxes each. Put a checkmark in the top 4 checkboxes because you want to FLASH (not READ).
  4. Click the "Select file..." button to the far right of "Flash IC1" and choose the "U1.bin" file you previously created with Crucible.
  5. Repeat Step-3 for U2, U3 & U4.
  6. Click the "Flash chip(s)" button. The green LED will flash rapidly on the Programmer, and a progress bar will appear on your computer. Please wait until you get a confirmation programming is complete.
  7. Switch OFF the Programmer.
  8. Remove the ROM SIMM.
  9. With your vintage Mac powered OFF, insert the ROM SIMM carefully.
  10. Power-on your vintage Mac, and press the "R" key to boot from the ROM. (If you did not use Crucible to create your files, then you will see a splash screen after power-on that will inform you that you can press either R or A. Only press A if you have at least 16MB of RAM, because it copies ROM into RAM, allowing you to save files (until power OFF).
  11. Enjoy your newly created ROM SIMM!
I also found one of my old emails where I had created a custom System 6.0.8 disk image packed with nice apps, specifically for use on the Kero's Mac Mods 2MB ROM SIMM. I used FC8 compression to pack more content than would otherwise fit without compression. (No custom Happy Mac icon though.) It contains 4 individual files for flashing just as my 11 steps above describe:

This Does Not Compute

Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
Thank you all, this is very helpful! I have one of Kay's ROM SIMMs but picked up a ROMmate since, as mentioned, it's more convenient than having to remove the ROM chips individually for programming. Looks like I have several good solutions here!
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Kay K.M.Mods

Active Tinkerer
Sep 23, 2021
The new Crucible v2.0 beta app has been released and is available to download for free from our store page.

Additional features include:
-ROM file creation can be done in 4 splits, 2 splits and single files.
-In split mode, you can choose between 4 splits and 2 splits. This is for dividing into Lo and Hi, or LL ML MH HH. This is not a ROM SIMM specific configuration, but a general Mac ROM chip configuration.In addition, the reason for providing the x2 mode is that, specifically, when flashing data optimized for 27C256 to 27C512, there are rare cases where you simply want to double it. That's the reason.
-In Join mode, simply joins ROMs in series, which is useful for joining a BootROM to a BaseROM etc...

The new features are useful not only for ROM SIMMs, but also for ROM parts of vintage computers such as the Apple II and Macintosh.
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