SmartPortSD - lets build it!

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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
I've seen a few "SmartPort" SD card drive products pop up over the years, and each time I wondered what advantages they had over the venerable FloppyEMU. It's often a cost advantage, not a feature advantage. Most of the SmartPort SD card drives are just that — SmartPort-only, with no means of booting from a floppy disk image. The FloppyEMU costs more than the SmartPort hard disk only solutions, but you are basically paying for the ability to use it either as a SmartPort hard disk (with 4 drives to choose from), or floppy disk. The wDrive offered similar functionality, but as you may expect, the cost isn't that much cheaper than a FloppyEMU, and it appears to be unavailable these days too. (I personally think the FloppyEMU is more aesthetically pleasing than the wDrive, if such matters to you.)

For people like me who already own two FloppyEMU units (both with the acrylic cases on them), I've never been tempted to get a SmartPort-only solution because I already have that functionality. But for people who don't have the FloppyEMU or anything similar, deciding what to buy for an Apple II machine can be a bit challenging. It really boils down to what Apple II machine you have. In my case, my only Apple II is a IIc, so I tend to focus on those products.

If you too have a IIc and are considering a FloppyEMU so as to get floppy drive emulation, there is one important consideration. The internal floppy drive on an Apple IIc is the boot disk drive. Attach an external disk drive and put a disk in it and power on, and nothing will happen because you can't boot from external disk drives. At least, not unless you want to change that! :) I have a ROM Xc which offers a "software" switch that will allow an externally attached floppy disk drive (real or FloppyEMU) to become the boot floppy drive. However, there are a few programs that don't play well with it, and those compatibility quirks ultimately led me to buy the BMOW Drive Switcher. The Drive Switcher is a hardware solution for the IIc. It sticks out on the back a little bit, but a tiny DIP switch lets you choose if you want the default behavior or if you want to make the externally attached FloppyEMU to be the boot drive. It works with all programs. No compatibility quirks.

If you have a FloppyEMU and an Apple IIc and no Drive Switcher, then you can only boot floppy disks from the IIc's internal floppy drive, but any bootable SmartPort volumes attached to the back port will be bootable whenever you don't have any floppy disk in the internal drive. For example, just leave a floppy out of the internal drive and put Total Replay on your SmartPort hard disk, and you can then boot from your Total Replay drive and enjoy all the games.

If you want something lower cost than the FloppyEMU and if you only care about SmartPort hard drive emulation (not floppies), then we can get back to the title of this thread by proclaiming that @Kay K.M.Mods has his new SPIISD kit out now which offers a FloppyEMU style experience with OLED screen and the PCB attached by ribbon cable:

It is only a SmartPort Hard Disk emulator and not a Floppy Disk Drive emulator, but if you are OK with that, it's a nice solution.

Kay's excellent blog article below explains how the SPIISD v1 (now v2) evolved out of the SmartPortSD open source project:

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Staff member
Sep 2, 2021


New Tinkerer
Oct 23, 2023
I got confirmation that the VGA mini card is not compatible. I think I will give it a try with the RGB to SCART cable to test on a TV, and then see if a SCART to VGA o HDMI would work.
I got the following reference link about using the SCART cable:
About the HD emulatorsfor Apple ii gs:
- SPIISD V2 DIY KIT looks interesting (HD only) and works at $71 fully assembled + accessories = total of $100 approx for the shipment ($20 can be saved with the smaller screen and with the kit to assemble)
- Floppy Emu Deluxe bundle is $150 inc shipment so more expensive but supports the floppy emulator
- ReActiveMicro Drive/Turbo + CF card costs $95 + $ 26 (3 weeks lead time) = $120

UPDATE: I also found the XDrive device:
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New Tinkerer
Feb 27, 2025
FYI: I added some comments to Chris' SmartportSD inside someone else's issue:

We have a few of us that have built these locally and are using the 9-pin connector, and can't get our Apple IIC/IIGS to recognize and boot from the unit.

I can see the initial debug messages from the initial code, and also can turn debug on with @eric's code on my PC, but when hooked to the IIGS, the unit simply isn't recognized as a bootable device, even though the PC debug initially states with both codebases that it sees the valid bootable Total Replay Part1.PO on the FAT32 formatted microSD.

I also see that others are having a SDFat issue with 1.x versions needing to be used, otherwise latest 2.x versions cause errors in compilation.

Hopefully this helps anyone else building or trying to use these to know what other people are going through right now. I plan on keeping my post here updated and/or the issue updated on Git (or opening a new one if Chris wants me to) so that others can utilize it if needed for reference. This post and Chris' repo seem to come up first when a search is done in Google.