• It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
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  • Hi Grant! This is Craig Learmont, we met a long time ago, and I just read you have a couple of TAMs available? Haven’t seen you in a while. I’ve been collecting old Macs for the past 5 years. Do you have other old stuff available? I’d love to come see what you have. Hope things are well. I live in Sage Hill NW.
    Hey, Craig. I wondered when I’d run into someone else from Calgary around here.

    Yes, I do have a “few” TAMs kicking around (although some other folks are ahead of you in line) and a ton of other Mac gear around here. Are you looking for anything in particular. I would like to start thinning out the herd a bit.

    We can move this conversation to private if you like.

    (I’m assuming that you’ll get notified of my reply to your comment here.)
    Hi again Grant! This is Craig. Send me a text at (403) 443-6895. Would love to get together soon!
    Hey, Craig! Apologies for the radio silence. Been juggling far too many things lately and my social side is slipping. I’m looking at towards the end of the month to have a bit of free time.
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