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  • I figure this is as good a place as any for a status update...

    Just a heads up that my YouTube channel is currently in hiatus.

    There are a few reasons for this, but the main reason is because I'm expecting to move house at some point this year, although the timing is unclear. In preparation, I've packed most of my vintage machines and tools away to make the move a little easier.

    That said, there may still be sporadic content of a non-tinkering nature, however it depends on whether or not the other reasons permit me to at least make videos on other vintage-related things.

    I've also needed to let a few of my machines go, and may have to let go of a few more between now and the move.

    Don't worry, my one and only Mac is safe, although it does need some work. I expect it to be one of the first machines I work on after the move and things settle down, though even if I make Mac related content sometime this year, I'll be holding off from releasing it until MARCHintosh 2023.

    I'll still be polluting Twitter, although there may be quiet spells here and there as well. I'm also seriously considering writing a few posts around here covering off some of the things I've been researching over the last couple of years that don't necessarily need a video to support the overall narrative. Again, that's contingent on much of an impact real life has on my vintage/retro computing activities.

    Thanks for your support over the last couple of years, y'all.
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