Search results

  1. Hurry

    Replacement Memory for Compact Mac?

    I asked on Discord but this might be better as a thread for posterity in case someone else has the same questions. I have an SE/30 and a Classic II (the 4MB onboard version). I'd like to upgrade the memory in the SE/30 and replace the memory in the Classic II as I believe it may be faulty...
  2. Hurry

    Breaking a Classic II One Step at a Time (Help!)

    Thanks! For me, the hassle is why I do it. Aside from times like this, fixing/futureproofing is my favorite part. In fact, as I'm trying to configure System 7.5 for this, I'm coming to realize that I have far greater understanding of the hardware than I do of the operating system or the...
  3. Hurry

    Member Bio - Beeblebrox

    Hi I'm Don. I went and posted my first "Arrgh help!" thread today and realized that I never bothered to introduce myself! I live in the US, New Jersey to be specific. The southern part - think Philadelphia, not New York (no one except the tax man knows that we're down here, it's great). I'm...
  4. Hurry

    Breaking a Classic II One Step at a Time (Help!)

    I hate searching for problems and finding old threads without clear resolution. This issue is solved. RECAP (no pun intended) Prior to doing any work on my Mac Classic II, sound did not function. 1. After recapping the analog board I encountered degrading electrical functions. Symptoms...
  5. Hurry

    Breaking a Classic II One Step at a Time (Help!)

    I am having a VERY derpy Christmas over here. I scanned that board THREE times, in different directions, to check that I hadn't reversed any other caps. After all that powering on and off made another start to bulge - CP2. Sure enough, it was reversed as well. In fairness to me (though not...
  6. Hurry

    Breaking a Classic II One Step at a Time (Help!)

    You know what I can tell though? The hard drive isn't getting power. The fan does. The clicking isn't perfectly in rhythm, though it is rapid. Update: Things are progressively worse every time I try and power this on. Now the fan just jitters but doesn't rotate. I'm going to stop turning...
  7. Hurry

    Breaking a Classic II One Step at a Time (Help!)

    The screen is stone cold blank since that first power up after fixing the reversed cap. I just disassembled and reassembled thoroughly. Same result. I'm trying to "listen around" to see if I can identify a general location where I'm hearing the clicking, but I'm not having much success. I...
  8. Hurry

    Breaking a Classic II One Step at a Time (Help!)

    Good afternoon! I purchased a Classic II a few weeks ago. I really enjoy the activity of restoring and future proofing old electronics. I've successfully restored and/or recapped an Amiga 600, a number of Atari and Commodore 8-bit micros, and a slew of video game consoles and handhelds...