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  1. AvadonDragon

    For the love of old tech + rant on all things modern

    Wow! That is a badass workstation! Very impressed. Heck yeah! Nothing like having a good ol' particle accelerator firing at your face. I had to purge most of mine due to space limitations though. Until I get a 3D plasma voxel hologram with haptic feedback I'm feeling thoroughly let down by...
  2. AvadonDragon

    For the love of old tech + rant on all things modern

    Linux has come a LONG way. Some distros are rock solid and user friendly now. I am grateful for the brutal education it gave me in the early years. Back then doing the simplest things was unbelievably hard. There have been some trade offs between ease of use and bloated inefficiency but not...
  3. AvadonDragon

    For the love of old tech + rant on all things modern

    Microsoft forcing me to totally relearn how to use a computer every few years with their increasingly fractured user interface ‘improvements’ has been a great annoyance to me most of my life. I feel like they really peaked with Windows 7 and finally got everything just about perfect. It was...
  4. AvadonDragon

    What forum should I post in about old WordPerfect?

    Well I wasn't explicitly trying to set up a machine to do this but I did have one with a built in floppy controller that ran Windows 10 and could boot DOS from a floppy. It was a strange system. Early Core i3 if I remember correctly. I think I still have the motherboard somewhere because it...
  5. AvadonDragon

    MacLynx beta 5: now with UTF-8 and even more native controls

    I just want to say that this has been a dream of mine for many many years. I've always been frustrated that the coding skills to pull it off where beyond my reach. Thank you so much for making this a reality!
  6. AvadonDragon

    What forum should I post in about old WordPerfect?

    From my experience @3lectr1c is correct about the reliability of laptops vs desktops of that era. Here's my two cents on the matter. I believe if you want a single desktop machine then you'd probably be best served getting the newest machine that you possibly can that has a built in floppy...
  7. AvadonDragon

    'Macintosh SE parts only DO NOT PLUG IN'

    Good suggestions. Yes I recapped the analogue board/Power Supply first to make the progress that I did. I already did the recap of the logic board as the next step but didn't reassemble and test the system afterwards. I stalled out on the project because I decided a massive reorganization was...
  8. AvadonDragon

    Fire Alarms sound when power goes out!

    This is just wild speculation but perhaps the batteries are starting to get weak from age and that's what is causing it? Could test them with a multimeter and see if the voltage level still looks good.
  9. AvadonDragon

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    This is so exciting! I've been waiting for this feature. I'm so glad you guys managed to get it working. Great work!
  10. AvadonDragon

    For the love of old tech + rant on all things modern

    I wish computer science/engineering programs would use those old 8-bit systems as learning tools. They gave you such a good grasp of how the machines actually worked. Too many layers of abstraction between the user and the hardware are great for ease of use/programming purposes but very...
  11. AvadonDragon

    For the love of old tech + rant on all things modern

    I've been giving a lot of thought about what it is that brings me joy about the hobby. I believe that I would probably use one of my old Macs as a daily driver if I could get away with it. I've had to ask myself - am I just getting old? Does modern technology bother me simply because I'm...
  12. AvadonDragon

    PowerBook 165 restoration: Tips for getting started?

    Depending on your circumstances you can get by with 2A. I had a PowerBook 170 running off my test bench power supply for a while with a bunch of accessories attached and noticed it spiking well over 2A sometimes. It would probably be fine if there were still a battery installed but I doubt...
  13. AvadonDragon

    PowerBook 165 restoration: Tips for getting started?

    If you want some soldering practice - the power supply isn't TOO hard a job and you can easily just use a different power brick if you end up destroying it. You can even swap the internals from a new brick into the old housing to keep the original aesthetics. If you do get an aftermarket brick...
  14. AvadonDragon

    PowerBook 165 restoration: Tips for getting started?

    From your description of the symptoms it sounds like a weak power supply. The caps in those are bad about leaking. The daughterboard comes apart pretty easily. No special tool is needed and it isn't especially delicate or easy to damage. The main thing is going to be getting the caps...
  15. AvadonDragon

    Interested to run across this forum

    This forum is very friendly. :) You can always throw your questions into General if they aren't machine specific. I'm sure a mod could move it later if need be. There are a few different generations of machine that could be appropriate depending on what your needs are.
  16. AvadonDragon

    "Spicy O'clock" project has started

    @JDW I have a fair amount of experience with 3D printing and PLA. I can say PLA is definitely unsuitable for the temp ranges you might see on a 68040 heatsink. It will almost certainly deform and fail to maintain good contact with the CPU. I recently had several prints exposed to around 65°C...
  17. AvadonDragon

    Color Classic Max RAM

    It is really nice. I went back and read some of my old posts over there and discovered I had done some upgrades to my machines that I had COMPLETELY forgotten about!
  18. AvadonDragon

    This clear printed 5.25" Apple floppy drive face looks amazing!

    I thought he probably had an account on here. I just haven't noticed his username since I've started being active. @Paralel Yes it is resin printed.
  19. AvadonDragon

    This clear printed 5.25" Apple floppy drive face looks amazing!

    I just accidentally stumbled across this video of a clear printed floppy drive front and it almost looks injection mold quality. Pairs very nicely with the Maceffects enclosure. Has anyone seen this yet? I had no idea you could get a printed part THIS clear. I wonder how large a part can be...
  20. AvadonDragon

    YMK's minimalist MacEffects SE

    @YMK Would you be willing to share your designs for the 3D printed parts?