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  1. David Cook

    The great LCD in a Color Classic thread. Well, I wish...

    Upgrading the Color Classic board with +256KB of VRAM allows it to display 256 colors @ 640x480 when installed in the Performa 550.
  2. David Cook

    The great LCD in a Color Classic thread. Well, I wish...

    Yes. It works fine and defaults to 640x480. This is an unmodified Color Classic motherboard (LB) in an unmodified 550 (analog board + display). Extra VRAM is not installed, hence 16 colors.
  3. David Cook

    Software for Sonnet Crescendo 604e?

    That's pretty cool. Based on the picture, I thought it was a 7300/7600 card. It should just pop in and work. Upon reading, I understood it was more interesting and it needs software to kick in.
  4. David Cook

    Dead DayStar Genesis MP CPU card -- ideas?

    Is there corrosion on the inner contacts of J3? Or is that just a reflection? Is J3 connected to anything when the board is installed?