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  1. RetroTheory

    Macintosh 512K floppy drive help

    At first I thought it was just an inductor, but it looks like a specific transformer, while googling the I came across a similar part on an old Sony floppy drive with schematic, eventually I was able to find the 400K schematic with the same part, these drives were used in old Apricots...
  2. RetroTheory

    What Beige Apple ADB keyboards/mice am I missing?

    I think you have them all apart from your exclusions from what I can remember. The only other one that pops to mind is the 512K version of the M0110A which is slightly darker.
  3. RetroTheory


  4. RetroTheory

    A Beige Mac International Shipping Holiday Miracle

    Oh wow well done. If any machine is gona crack during shipping it's the CC. Looking forward to the video
  5. RetroTheory

    Mac SE FDHD issue

    Just wondering, if you turn it on without any scsi drives connected do you eventually get a flashing floppy question mark?
  6. RetroTheory

    Amber CRT from an ex-stock IBM portable 5155 monitor.

    Amber CRT from an ex-stock IBM portable 5155 monitor.
  7. RetroTheory


  8. RetroTheory


  9. RetroTheory

    MAC SE/30 CRT problem

    Also have a look at your ROM SIMM. sometimes it needs to be reseated or pressured to make contact properly. 100% SE/30s need to be recapped but sometimes no ROM can show this.
  10. RetroTheory

    PC ISA 8Bit SCSI Card with integrated "BlueSCSI"

    I suppose you could build the xt-ide for €20, 25euro if CF version, this is about the sameish maybe €30 with 11of that the SCSI IC.
  11. RetroTheory

    PC ISA 8Bit SCSI Card with integrated "BlueSCSI"

    This was a little personal experiement to see if I could combine the usefulness of BlueSCSI and its HD images with the PC , and have similar HD image capability with old PCs. In the PDF of the NCR 53C400 technical document there was a rough outline for a memory mapped SCSI card that was...
  12. RetroTheory

    Introducing the Flytech Carry-I, a book-sized 8088 PC XT clone from 1989.

    That looks smaller than the little Amstrad 5086
  13. RetroTheory

    Compact Mac Video Adapter

    In the book "Build_Your_Own_Macintosh_and_Save_a_Bundle" 1992 it mentions that a Multisync TTL monitors were used with these boards, or modify MDA/Hercules monitors to the correct frequency. It also mentions the Princeton MAX-15 Monitor which was an autosynchronous monochrome monitor.
  14. RetroTheory

    LCD modded Compact Mac in CowboyBebop

    Spotted this in episode 2, just thought it was interesting thatLCD mods are still being done in 2071 :)
  15. RetroTheory

    Macintosh Portable Issue - Screeching Noise

    That sound like what its doing. I will give it another shot at the weekend.
  16. RetroTheory

    Macintosh Portable Issue - Screeching Noise

    It was cleaned in IPA but not in ultrasonic bath , but I have not gone back to it since .
  17. RetroTheory


  18. RetroTheory

    iMac Plus First look, What do you think?

    In newer Macs yes , -5V is for serial
  19. RetroTheory

    Possibility of complete redesign and modern manufacture of LC-LC475 power supplies

    Its also universal input so it will work on 110V and 220V.
  20. RetroTheory
