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  1. Kai Robinson

    I was taken advantage of by an internet confidence trickster.

    The board has already made it's position clear in an official capacity, so i'm taking my board president hat off here - I have absolutely NO issue with anyone sharing their experiences with anyone, literally none. As @Yoda points out above, TD has ZERO finances to fight any kind of legal case...
  2. Kai Robinson

    Identifying and confirming fake 68040 CPUs (especially the L88M mask)

    I wonder if someone (*cough* @alxlab *cough*) would try and make a similar "socket blaster" to use the low voltage 040's in regular machines, as has been done for 486 machines
  3. Kai Robinson

    Where to get ZIP VRAM for NuBus Radius DirectColor video card

    Have you got a part number of the original ZIP chips that I can use to find a cross reference? :)
  4. Kai Robinson

    I was taken advantage of by an internet confidence trickster.

    I can think of a few, but none suitable for polite company!
  5. Kai Robinson

    My first Mystic is being mystical about working.

    Moving from the Lab's software section to compact macs, as this is nothing to do with software. Please can you be mindful of the categories your threads are being posted in.
  6. Kai Robinson

    Apple SWIM Chip Adapters

    There's one more that could be made - a PLCC 44 pinout to PLCC-28 through hole socket layout - for Mac II's that shipped with an IWM, cause there was a PLCC-28 SWIM available for them in an upgrade kit that was used almost no one else.
  7. Kai Robinson


    Personal opinion - this is something I absolutely agree with, but i'll raise it as an agenda item for the next board meeting.
  8. Kai Robinson

    SE/30, not looking SE/Dirty!

    I believe you're using the XC and MC nomenclature incorrectly. MC just means a qualified part. XC means 'in development'. It does not refer to an FPU or not. In 68040 land, 68040 means fully enabled part, 68LC040 means no FPU, 68EC040 means no MMU or FPU. In the 68030, there was no such...
  9. Kai Robinson

    Mac IIcx no chime after board re-cap and startup circuit repair

    I wonder if a IIcx reloaded from @max1zzz might be the best place to start with now that you've gone through the exhaustive process of recapping and rewiring everything.
  10. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Will definitely get another one of these in production birdseed mode, please :)
  11. Kai Robinson

    Initialization hangs on Power Macintosh 8100/80

    Would be a good idea to clean board after removing the old ones, and before installing the new ones.
  12. Kai Robinson

    Initialization hangs on Power Macintosh 8100/80

    That's corrosion - you'll need to recap that board - the 'dust' is corrosive gunk from the capacitors for sure. Just because there's no visible signs doesn't mean the board hasn't been subject to it. All the solder joints on those caps are dull.
  13. Kai Robinson

    Initialization hangs on Power Macintosh 8100/80

    Can you get a good quality picture of the logic board on its own, with nothing connected or plugged in to it?
  14. Kai Robinson

    Initialization hangs on Power Macintosh 8100/80

    Try not to put it on an antistatic bag - the bags themselves are conductive - put the board on a non-conductive surface. Have you installed a PRAM battery for it? With x100 series Power Macintoshes - the ROM and Cache are both on a stick - you'll need at least the ROM SIMM installed to get it...
  15. Kai Robinson

    Compact Mac Video Adapter

    BOMARC Schematics here:
  16. Kai Robinson

    Any interest in NEW Repro Lombard / Pismo battery packs?

    Oooh I do need a 1xx series battery - is that using the case design from thingiverse??
  17. Kai Robinson

    Trying to ressurect a Power Macintosh 9600/350

    Ah, what slot do you have the video card in? They're VERY picky about that.
  18. Kai Robinson

    Macintosh IIci Logicboard recreation

    Birdseed would be worth it on the underside, i think. The SE/30's that @This Does Not Compute made were about £50 to £60 with birdseed so an extra tenner for a much larger board i think would be worth it.
  19. Kai Robinson

    SATA? In an old world PCI Power Mac?! IMPOSSIBRU! (Updated 11/22/23)

    Oooh - but do all 4 ports on the card work, or can it only address 2?