Search results

  1. landogriffin

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    (Yes, I'm in the US 🇺🇸) Shipping was €26, so not too bad for international shipping. It was surprisingly fast too. I was expecting a month or more, but IIRC, it was around a week.
  2. landogriffin

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s Here's my first test print with the Extrudr Grey.. I think this looks great! (which is good, because I accidentally ordered the 2.5kg spool, instead of the 1kg!)
  3. landogriffin

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    That looks pretty darn close!! Considering that all these units will be in various stages of yellowing, it's not going to be possible to exactly match every sample.
  4. landogriffin

    Possibility of complete redesign and modern manufacture of LC-LC475 power supplies

    There are never enough hours in the day for fun projects! Please let me know if you need a beta tester, someone to help with the bracket updates or anything else. This is a cool project! Just curious - were you planning to "open source" the PCB hardware design and/or bracket model?
  5. landogriffin

    Possibility of complete redesign and modern manufacture of LC-LC475 power supplies

    Inquiring minds want to know.... any update? Is there anything I can help with? I had a LC power supply die, so of course it's easier to design a new one than just get one off eBay ;-)
  6. landogriffin

    "Platinum" PLA for Macs and Apple ][s

    I'd be interested in some also!
  7. landogriffin

    SCSI Floppy Drives

    I got my hands on a TEAC branded scsi drive. But, so far my macs don’t seem to like it. I’ll have to try it out on a Linux pc this weekend!
  8. landogriffin

    SCSI Floppy Drives

    I'm thinking the same thing... but we'll see!
  9. landogriffin

    SCSI Floppy Drives

    LONG term goal is to be able to use floppy images with RASCSI, but I wanted to see if existing solutions worked before I dig too much into this :)
  10. landogriffin

    SCSI Floppy Drives

    Hi all!! Because I like to do crazy things.... I'm trying to use a SCSI floppy drive with my Mac (SE/30). I’m curious if anyone has ever had success getting one of these old TEAC SCSI floppy drives working with a Mac...
  11. landogriffin

    Any SCSI to Ethernet solutions on the horizon?

    At least one user on Discord has reported success!! 😃
  12. landogriffin

    Any SCSI to Ethernet solutions on the horizon?

    (Disclaimer: I'm extremely biased towards RaSCSI );) I put one together last year, and its a cool little device. I personally struggled with getting mine assembled/working properly, but I believe they've done some improvements in that area. There's also a branch that includes DaynaPort...
  13. landogriffin

    PowerView - The Weird PowerBook SCSI External Video Card

    Awesome find!!! Its on my bucket list to emulate this capability with the RaSCSI. I've started poking around with it, but didn't get very far. It was awesome to see a color display on my SE/30. I've pulled together a few notes/links on it here...
  14. landogriffin

    Any SCSI to Ethernet solutions on the horizon?

    RaSCSI supports it!
  15. landogriffin

    Restoration: Macintosh SE with Water Damage

    Great job @PotatoFi !!!
  16. landogriffin

    RASCSI Internal holder?

    Like, to mount in a 3.5" drive bay? I created one for a 2.5" drive bay: You could use that and install it using this: But, I haven't seen a 3.5" drive bay bracket yet.
  17. landogriffin

    DECstation 5000/125

    That would be amazing if you'd be willing to part with the cable! I'll PM you. The next test will be if the CRT even works anymore :-)
  18. landogriffin

    DECstation 5000/125

    20 years ago a very financially irresponsible LandoGriffin bought a DECStation 5000 at an inventory disposal sale. It then sat in an attic until last weekend. it seems like there isn’t a lot of information on these variants of DEC hardware. They ran Ultrix, and look like they can run NetBSD...
  19. landogriffin

    RaSCSI Version 21.10 Is released!!

    RaSCSI version 21.10 is now available on Github!! I'll also be uploading a "Raspberry Pi OS Lite" image that you can directly load onto an SD card with everything ready to go.
  20. landogriffin

    Reverse Engineering the Macintosh LC III Logicboard

    That's exciting!!! Great job!!