Search results

  1. Kay K.M.Mods

    PSU hack for IIci and other soft switch Macs

    I made this PSU hack a while ago. Other guys are doing the way to control soft switches with transistors. I made this in a way that doesn't require a + 5V pullup. Specifically, a photocoupler is used. This method is also compatible with G2-PowerMac. Please try it in case of PSU failure. I'll...
  2. Kay K.M.Mods

    Build GS Stealth

    You're right. At GS, I hadn't used it because I wasn't that generation (I worked at an authorized retailer around 1990), but when I finished making it, I got tired of it. However, when I had a GS 20 years ago, I couldn't help with the software and OS, and eventually gave up. But it was a good...
  3. Kay K.M.Mods

    Color Classic CRT Adjustments [VIDEO]

    Wow thx for share your awesomely Youtube video! My advice was a little bit, but thx for introducing me. Go Mystic very soon!
  4. Kay K.M.Mods

    Macintosh II with ROM-SIMM

    It's been about 2 weeks since I got the Macintosh II Rev.B, but I've replaced the 8 RAM sockets on it and have been recapped. This time I couldn't stand it and tried to see if the ROM-SIMM pattern hidden under this ROM socket worked. The ROM used is IIxIIcxSE30_512k.bin. I tried other ROMs...
  5. Kay K.M.Mods

    LC475 with Kei-truck style monitor

    That's right. VRAM must be 70Ns or higher. I replaced only the Chips. In fact, 70Ns is OK. This is because 70Ns VRAM memory has an upper limit of 43MHz, so it can handle this.
  6. Kay K.M.Mods

    Build GS Stealth

    There wasn't an Apple II post here yet, so I'll make one. I built a GS Stealth without using a kit. It has been modified using a rivet panel on the back. It's outputting HDMI now, but it's converted to SCAT once and then output through a commercially available circuit...
  7. Kay K.M.Mods

    LC475 with Kei-truck style monitor

    Hi Drake, This variable oscillator is very convenient. Someone said the same thing, so maybe I'm designing a board. I think this can also be used for LC575.
  8. Kay K.M.Mods

    LC475 with Kei-truck style monitor

    Hi Kai! As you can see from the blog (this article was featured in Call-A.P.P.L.E), I'm replacing the PLL clock driver. But supplement it. This is originally for 12.5MHz input and 25MHz output. although this MC88916DW75 driver has 20MHz input and 40MHz output, there is a margin in the upper...
  9. Kay K.M.Mods

    LC475 with Kei-truck style monitor

    This was previously posted on FB's Vintage Macintosh Enthusiasts. I finished setting up the LC475 the other day and I wanted a 12 ”RGB monitor that fits it. And decided to build it. I would like to introduce it because it has become an interesting shape. Read me blog for more details...
  10. Kay K.M.Mods

    Not only vintage Computers

    This Is my 1989Y Porsche 930 Turbo, I did restmod it myself. She is only my treasure except my family. My restores and mods were featured in Porsche Magazine over 10 pages. The first pic is that.
  11. Kay K.M.Mods

    4MB Macintosh II & IIx 30-pin SIMM's

    It's a really great project👏 We can see 4MB SIMM projects on Github, but some of them have problems with Mac II. By the way, I want to use IIx ROM for II. Is there any file that separates it? I searched for it before, but when I tried to separate it in C I got an error. I'm not very familiar...
  12. Kay K.M.Mods

    Tweaked ROM-inator PCB (Open Source / Open Hardware Project)

    Thx fehervaria! Yes, we will ship to all countries if the flight does not stop for some reason... More details are currently in progress. I will post it when the prototype of the kit is completed.
  13. Kay K.M.Mods

    Tweaked ROM-inator PCB (Open Source / Open Hardware Project)

    @Stephen @JDW JDW's Youtube work seems to have energized Vintage Mac users and praises it. I would like to summarize our story so far. Stephen and I were in contact outside of this topic on another matter. I talked to him, but I think I'll probably use his PCB from the first badge. He will put...
  14. Kay K.M.Mods

    BMOW ROM-inator install in Mac512!

    James, thx for for ur advice, everything is going well now. Enjoy ur BlueSCSI! @eric , thx for add me your BlueSCSI group. All Japanese 68K mac user should have it. There is no problem in production, but the resistor array is out of stock and can not be made without it:ROFLMAO: