Search results

  1. Tashtari

    TashTwenty - Single-Chip DCD (Hard Disk 20) Interface for Macintosh

    I should make the point clear that the PIC16F1825 firmware is deprecated at this point and anyone building a device should be using the PIC16F1704 and its associated firmware. I would have pointed this out to CayMac Vintage, except I didn't know they were selling TashTwenty devices until someone...
  2. Tashtari

    Some stuff for fans of the IBM PC cassette interface

    So I've been doing some work on the IBM PC 5150's little-used cassette interface lately, and I've made a couple of projects that might be useful on the off chance that someone out there besides me cares about it. =) - cass5150, a Python library for...
  3. Tashtari

    TashTalk: Single-Chip LocalTalk Interface (v2 and RPi hats!)

    Aaaaand they've all been snapped up! Anyone else who's interested, be sure to contact me anyway, if there's enough interest, I'll make more.
  4. Tashtari

    TashTalk: Single-Chip LocalTalk Interface (v2 and RPi hats!)

    This project might be old news by now, but there have been a couple of new developments and I haven't announced it on TD yet, so here I go. (Re-)Introducing... TashTalk! Elevator Pitch It's a LocalTalk interface, contained entirely within a single Microchip PIC12F1840 (8 pins, ~$1.50)...
  5. Tashtari

    Macintosh SE - PLCC ADB Adapter board

    I'll do you one better... I've posted the binary along with my partially-complete annotation of the code on github here: I'm glad it was useful and I hope it continues to be! I'd really like to complete the annotation of the code someday, but I fear...
  6. Tashtari

    TashTwenty - Single-Chip DCD (Hard Disk 20) Interface for Macintosh

    Aaaaand they're gone! Thanks to everyone who ordered/expressed interest. I'm not sure that I personally will be doing this arrangement again, assembling and testing these things was a lot of work (and I already have a day job, plus holidays...) but I may be teaming up with someone to manufacture...
  7. Tashtari

    TashTwenty - Single-Chip DCD (Hard Disk 20) Interface for Macintosh

    At this point I think enough people have expressed interest that I'm going to put together a batch of ten TashTwenty Rev 3 units. I've ordered parts, I think I'm going to assemble them myself this time for peace of mind - that way I can make absolutely sure that they work before I send them...
  8. Tashtari

    Tashtari's ADB Tools (also a plea for rare devices!)

    Another ADB tool to add to the list (I accidentally posted this in another thread before...) It allows the user to prototype the behavior of an ADB device in Python (or other language on a host system) or imitate the behavior of an ADB device in...
  9. Tashtari

    TashIO: Clone of BeeHive Technologies's ADB I/O

    @Melkhior You just banged that out? Awesome =D Do you want to share the files?
  10. Tashtari

    TashIO: Clone of BeeHive Technologies's ADB I/O

    Another ADB tool for your tooling pleasure: This allows the user to prototype the behavior of an ADB device in Python (or other language on a host system) or imitate the behavior of an ADB device in order to stimulate a driver on the Mac. EDIT...
  11. Tashtari

    TashIO: Clone of BeeHive Technologies's ADB I/O

    That's what the original looks like, yeah. At the moment, mine looks like a microcontroller. =D I hope to collaborate with someone to make up a fully populated PCB for it so it's a full clone of the original.
  12. Tashtari

    TashIO: Clone of BeeHive Technologies's ADB I/O

    Just a little Saturday project. Introducing: TashIO! Elevator Pitch It's a clone of BeeHive Technologies's ADB I/O, a device with analog and digital I/Os for automation, control, and interfacing to sensors and other devices. It has existing software support in C, RealBASIC, Fourth Dimension...
  13. Tashtari

    Tashtari's ADB Tools (also a plea for rare devices!)

    I've been trying to clean up and publish some of the tools I've been using for my ADB-related adventures. Neither of these are complex enough to warrant a TashName, but I want to put them out there just in case they might come in handy for someone else. I've made an ADB protocol analyzer...
  14. Tashtari

    TashTwenty - Single-Chip DCD (Hard Disk 20) Interface for Macintosh

    I've posted about this elsewhere but I'm new to TinkerDifferent and it doesn't seem to have been mentioned here yet, so... introducing: TashTwenty! Elevator Pitch It's a DCD (the interface used by the Hard Disk 20 to plug in through the disk port) interface, contained entirely within a...