Search results

  1. T

    Hey there from California

    Yeah, all the above! The rabbit hole (or The Manhole) is deep for the SE/30. I came across your video several weeks ago and thought the RGBtoHDMI project is really cool. In the past I had seen people tap into compact Mac video signals to interface with LCDs and they never really provided enough...
  2. T


    I now see you looked into this, here was my response. It was a file for a 68k PPC app from macintoshrepository that can run in System 7. Apparently it is used for Stuffit 7? If that is correct, Stuffit 7 can run on Mac OS 8.6. Thanks, I was just using drag and drop on ResEdit.
  3. T


    That's why I was asking if they don't have resource forks. If I open those files with ResEdit, it says they don't have a resource fork and opening them will add one. I am guessing they don't by default. I did see the type/creator get set after agreeing to open the files except for sitx (you...
  4. T


    I tried with several different files and works great. It seems like these aren't recognized, but maybe they don't have resource forks? .zip .mid (midi) .cpt .sitx .image
  5. T

    Migrating from SCSI2SD v5.2 to BlueSCSI v2

    The OP just has two internal style drives. But I agree in that I would personally would get a ribbon cable with at least two connectors to plug in both to the same machine. I saw some on ebay that were not that expensive and they are handy to have around. Otherwise, I am pretty sure it can be...
  6. T

    Tunnel vision on PB170

    Has anyone tried a food dehydrator to back out these displays?
  7. T

    Hey there from California

    Haha, totally, the water is too cold up here. I have fond memories of visiting OB in the 80s and 90s.
  8. T

    Hey there from California

    Howdy! Bay Area.
  9. T

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    Has anyone run into an issue where the BlusSCSIv2 external drive (running the latest DynaPORT firmware) stops booting and the SD card itself is corrupted? I was able to repair the SD card in MacOs Ventura's Disk Utility and also backed up all the files. It just happened all of the sudden after...
  10. T

    Migrating from SCSI2SD v5.2 to BlueSCSI v2

    If you can attach them both to the machine simultaneously, you can drag and drop to copy everything over. With emulation like Basilisk, I think you can do the same thing much faster by mounting a blank image that's been initialized. There's probably a way to dd or BalenaEtcher to create an image...
  11. T

    MacSD - SCSI to SD adapter with CD audio, MIDI and fan control

    Nice! I found the MIDI section further down in the manual. It makes more sense now knowing there's a separate package for the sounds that needs to be included on the SD card. This functionality is very interesting and not expected to have on a SCSI emulator. I would like to try this out sometime...
  12. T

    MacSD - SCSI to SD adapter with CD audio, MIDI and fan control

    I didn't know about the Commander and Midi applications since I don't recall those features being available when I bought mine a few years ago. @YMK Is there any more info on the synth engine? The product page mentions it is sample based. Does it include Roland type samples like 808 drums...
  13. T

    Vintage Apple HyperCard User Group - A modest proposal and request

    Yes, I'm in. How does it get recognized by Apple?
  14. T

    So you wanna start an SE/30 Reloaded group buy...

    Thanks for clarifying @Bolle! Just to add another thought, I have participated in a non-profit Kickstarter where they plan on donating extra proceeds to a charity relevant to the hobby, so maybe that's another option for someone trying to make the venture non-profit. Or issue partial refunds...
  15. T

    So you wanna start an SE/30 Reloaded group buy...

    Yeah, it's more of a general question of CC-BY-NC-SA boards and what that means for a maker/builder. There are some grey areas with the value added from turning the PCB into a PCBA (partial or not ) and derivative works. I wouldn't discount the effort of assembly as much since it's a significant...
  16. T

    So you wanna start an SE/30 Reloaded group buy...

    Has bolle clarified what the license means somewhere? I was thinking about this topic of CC-BY-NC-SA licensed boards since I just had a simple board made with this license. If someone does a bunch of value added work that is clearly documented in this post, can they not charge for that effort...
  17. T

    Netatalk 2 Webmin Module

    I'm not familiar with Webmin, but it's great to see development continuing on the Netatalk 2.x branch.
  18. T

    Hey there from California

    I recently heard about this new community from a friend and thought I'd drop by to introduce myself. I noticed that this forum has a rule requiring usernames to be longer than 2 characters. I usually go by "tt," so I appended "-30" to it since I primarily play with the SE/30. My collection...