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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. alxlab

    Macintosh Portable 34 pin to 50 pin Hard Drive Adapter

    Here's a link to my Git repo for a Macintosh Portable 34 pin to 50 pin hard drive adapter. Tested it with a BlueSCSI and seems to work alright. I'll probably be selling some in the future to help fund my various...
  2. alxlab

    Performa/LC 630 Dos Compatible - Dos Card CPU Upgrade

    The Performa/LC 630 Dos Compatible is probably my favorite 68K machine right now. It's pretty easy to upgrade to 128MB of RAM, uses inexpensive IDE hard drives and if your lucky can come with a DOS card. The DOS card in my Performa 630 came with a Cyrix CX486DX2-66 which is pretty good for old...
  3. alxlab

    Performa/LC 580 Overclock

    The Apple Fool overclocking page is a great resource for clock chipping and overclocking but there's some missing info. The Performa/LC 580 is incorrectly marked as not being overclockable/upgradable. This is not true though since the board is identical to the Performa/LC 630 so the same...
  4. alxlab

    1" Mac Mouse Ball Replacement

    I ran into the problem where I had an early Macintosh SE ADB mouse with no mouse ball. Ends up it uses the hard to find 1" mouse ball that 128, 512, Plus and early ADB mice used. So instead of paying the ridiculous price of $30 CAD to get a replacement off Ebay I look for alternatives and came...