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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Drake

    Keyboard Cleaning Tip

    Made this little clip just for fun but with a point to prove! I often see folks cleaning keyboards by scrubbing each little keycap (fine if you have the time or just enjoy it) For years I've been using denture tabs to clean plastics safely of any and all grease, grime and questionable scunge...
  2. Drake

    Floppy Gears

    I printed off about 40 Macintosh floppy gears in the resin printer, The design is the latest V2 from the amazing Stephen: Some of them still require removal of rough bottom edges from the print bed. If you are in need of a few let me know and I will...
  3. Drake

    EMAC Silhouette - What color are your balls?!

    Emac was the Macintosh product division of the semi-large Everex Systems of Fremont, California. Outside of the odd HDD enclosure it's difficult to say what the EMAC line actually produced. (so please, add any other pieces to the comment section!). This "cursory" image (pun intended) really...
  4. Drake

    DataDesk TK-3000 "TrackBoard"

    One of my passions in vintage computing has always been unique and/or ugly keyboards, The keyboard/mouse are most often your direct means of interaction. Whether you're inputting data, creating art or heading to youtube to watch JDW! the keyboard and mouse can either make an enjoyable experience...
  5. Drake

    Staff Bio - Drake

    First Apple: IIGS Favorite Mac: Quadra 700... or maybe LC475?! OR 6100/66AV?! :unsure: Strengths: Graphic design, Computer Repair/Restorations Weaknesses: Dinosaurs, vintage input devices, "Buy It Now" buttons Favorite Movie: Jurassic Park Guten Tag, Ich bin Drake! Ich Komme aus Vancouver...
  6. Drake

    *Battery Gore Thread* NSFMacs

    This thread is now an ongoing album of general motherboard mess! Feel free to share your worst! **Since it is October and Halloween draws near I thought "what's scarier than spooky battery explosions, awful cap leakage and general shipping damage!?"** So let's see your horror pics! Scariest...
  7. Drake

    Interware VDR-2A - SE/30

    On my quest to build another money pit that looks ridiculously good I happened across a rare bird for the SE/30... The Interware VDR-2A *drum roll* The card itself enables a secondary output over DB15 at a resolution of 640x480 with "Millions of colors" (I stop counting colors if they aren't...
  8. Drake

    LC520 Overclock

    In regards to the LC520 (68030 @25mhz) it can often be overlooked in favor of the LC575 (68040 @33mhz). For those unaware these motherboards are a convenient direct swap-in replacement for the sluggish Color Classic motherboard (68030 @16mhz). *While I am not in favor of cabalistic practices, I...