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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. Kay K.M.Mods

    Compact Mac's feet project

    Many compact Macs have lost their feet or have been hydrolyzed to dissolve. Also, many substitutes are completely different in shape. So we are working on a new replacement foot. It takes a lot of manual work to make the same shape, and it takes time to make a beautiful shape. The target amount...
  2. Kay K.M.Mods

    Mac Plus repair with the ROM-inator Resurrections

    Hi there, A friend of an Apple collector living in my neighborhood asked me to repair his DynaMac. This was originally a special Mac 512K for Canon and Apple with a Japanese Kanji ROM, but was later upgraded to the Mac Plus. As you can see, it was a checkerboard, so the ROM defect was obvious...
  3. Kay K.M.Mods

    Quadra 700 feet project

    We are working on a Quadra 700 Feet project. The points we are aiming for are as follows. 1, Toning close to the original 2. Use a material that is not too soft 3, Design faithful to the original This will be available for purchase at our Kero ’s Mac Mods Shop. Since 1 is due to the original...
  4. Kay K.M.Mods

    Mystic with Spicy O'Clock! 42MHz

    I have two Mystics, which is the Mystic (No.1) that I modified a while ago. Tested for "Spicy O'Clock!", the original post is here Spicy O'Clock! is adjustable oscillator used silicone oscillator chip. I think it's the first time it's used on a 68K Mac. It has a variable range from 35MHz to...
  5. Kay K.M.Mods

    Hacking coffee roaster

    This crazy geek is an employee of my company. Aran Williams used his roaster to roast coffee at a guitar repair factory:ROFLMAO:
  6. Kay K.M.Mods

    ROM-inator Resurrections

    It's well known to macintosh enthusiasts that on Vintage Macs, ROM upgrades are needed to be easier to use than CPU upgrades and memory expansions. BMOW sold the first ROM-inator as a kit for Plus, 512k, 128k, but now it is open source and you can only make it yourself. To produce it, you need...
  7. Kay K.M.Mods

    "Spicy O'clock" project has started

    It's a bit early to announce this, but @Stephen has designed a beautiful PCB from my schematic, so I'll publish it here. See my blog for the base. I improved and used this oscillator sold by a Japanese company called Akizuki Denshi, but I improved it to make it even easier to use...
  8. Kay K.M.Mods

    PSU hack for IIci and other soft switch Macs

    I made this PSU hack a while ago. Other guys are doing the way to control soft switches with transistors. I made this in a way that doesn't require a + 5V pullup. Specifically, a photocoupler is used. This method is also compatible with G2-PowerMac. Please try it in case of PSU failure. I'll...
  9. Kay K.M.Mods

    Macintosh II with ROM-SIMM

    It's been about 2 weeks since I got the Macintosh II Rev.B, but I've replaced the 8 RAM sockets on it and have been recapped. This time I couldn't stand it and tried to see if the ROM-SIMM pattern hidden under this ROM socket worked. The ROM used is IIxIIcxSE30_512k.bin. I tried other ROMs...
  10. Kay K.M.Mods

    Build GS Stealth

    There wasn't an Apple II post here yet, so I'll make one. I built a GS Stealth without using a kit. It has been modified using a rivet panel on the back. It's outputting HDMI now, but it's converted to SCAT once and then output through a commercially available circuit...
  11. Kay K.M.Mods

    LC475 with Kei-truck style monitor

    This was previously posted on FB's Vintage Macintosh Enthusiasts. I finished setting up the LC475 the other day and I wanted a 12 ”RGB monitor that fits it. And decided to build it. I would like to introduce it because it has become an interesting shape. Read me blog for more details...