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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. mmu_man

    Lynx II repair attempt

    I'm trying to repair a friend's Lynx II that is stuck on "insert game". I replaced U9 (74HC164) which was hot and seemed to be shorting out some pins, but still get the message on power-on. Tracing the signals, I see repeated attempts at resetting the 4040 on MOTORON, but the chip selects from...
  2. mmu_man

    EGRET Reverse engineering & reproduction?

    I had some look at the EGRET posts here and elsewhere some time ago… It seems there might be interest in recreating them. I don't really have the need myself, my LC-III works fine for now, but I figured I'd spawn a thread to discuss the issue. The various pinouts don't seem documented yet on the...
  3. mmu_man

    Quick checkup of my Black Performa 5400/180 & some edge-connector f̶u̶n̶k̶y̶ ̶i̶d̶e̶a̶ spoilers

    For Marchintosh I dug out this nice black Performa 5400/180 (not DE actually) from the cardboard box it was in the last 10 years or so for a quick checkup… It seems I actually never opened it, and I broke a clip from the backplate cover, and some of the melted bits holding the shield, which...
  4. mmu_man

    RetroComputing devroom at FOSDEM (online) Feb 5th

    This week-end is FOSDEM, Free and OpenSource Developer's European Meeting, with lots of talks, including a retro-computing devroom. We'll have many talks about our old computers, including one from @Action Retro about FrogFind & 68k News! Join us online for the event, either on the live stream...