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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. 3lectr1c

    BlueSCSI (internal) not working when external RaSCSI is connected

    I’ve got an F4lite BlueSCSI in my 180c PowerBook and it works just fine when nothing’s hooked up to the SCSI port, but when I have my RaSCSI (or is it PiSCSI now?) hooked up for file transfer, all of a sudden the BlueSCSI acts dead. The RaSCSI is recognized, so if I have a bootable volume...
  2. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 150!

    The best worst PowerBook? Well I've got one now. 33MHz 030 8MB RAM "beautiful" passive matrix 4-bit grayscale LCD upgraded 1GB hard drive (the original quantum was of course dead) NO PRAM battery damage! It's been replaced at some point, seems to even work maybe? Will probably remove it anyway...
  3. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 5xx clutch cover clips

    Has anyone designed 3D printed replacements for these? I’m going to be fixing a couple of 500 series hinges but this cover isn’t going to stay put like this. Should be as simple as designing a part to clue onto the curved bit of the plastic but I would know how to measure the curve to do it myself.
  4. 3lectr1c

    Weird storage issue

    Basically, I setup a sorbet partition on my G5, restored to it. It should be 250GB in size, but instead: - Disk utility reports 250GB capacity, 8.6GB used, and 661MB Free - Finder reports 9.21GB capacity and 661MB available. Any idea what’s up? Sorbet does boot on the partition, but I’m booted...
  5. 3lectr1c

    Busting a PowerBook 500 series battery open

    Made it most of the way but now I’m stuck and wary of damaging anything, particularly the orange ribbon around the battery contacts.
  6. 3lectr1c

    Here we go again... (PowerBook 100 Recap/Restore)

    So I've finally done it, I bought myself a (dead) PowerBook 100 off eBay. Great shape, tested to power on (no chime, no boot, blank no-contrast screen), and includes some fun extras including the original floppy drive! Screen doesn't have any pink splotch damage or vinegar syndrome either. I'm...
  7. 3lectr1c

    Can't get HTML Table borders to display.

    I'm trying to create a table with borders on my website, but after adding the proper CSS to my stylesheet to enable the borders, they just won't display. Stylesheet is properly linked to the html page. Any idea of what's going on? I've tried adding tr to the css, changing to 2 or 3px, and...
  8. 3lectr1c

    AI writing code?!

    Had to share this here... o_O This is insane! I've known about openAI's chat for a while now, but had no idea it was getting this darn good!
  9. 3lectr1c

    Hot air station recommendations

    Hey guys! I'm looking to get a hot air soldering iron of some sort soon for soldering projects, and I need recommendations. I know a lot of you have some generic one from eBay that works good for you, but I'm looking for something that's going to work really well for small surface-mount...
  10. 3lectr1c

    Maxell responded to the battery leak issue on Twitter

    I just saw this on twitter and thought it was funny, felt like sharing it here. First, I saw this post from Garth Beagle showing that he somehow found a Maxell battery that still held charge, that's a new one! Then, Maxell ended up...
  11. 3lectr1c

    Is newer plastic just as bad as 90s plastic?

    We all know that the plastic used in the 90s stunk across the board. I mean, just look at all the laptops from that time and try to find one that doesn't have hinge issues, whether it be broken screw standoffs or stress-cracking around the display housing. This has always been an issue we've...
  12. 3lectr1c

    A nice Late 2008 Aluminum MacBook (for free!)

    A Late 2008 Aluminum MacBook found its way into my hands for free yesterday! It’s in good shape, works great, and the battery even holds charge, although it’s only at 55% health with a lot of cycles. This is one of those neat one-generation non-pro models. It could use an SSD and some more RAM...
  13. 3lectr1c

    CMOS Battery PSA - mid 90s-early 2000s laptops affected!

    Anyone who has dealt with enough vintage macs knows of the horrors a battery leak can cause. Unfortunately, a whole new generation of vintage tech is now being affected in mass by this - laptops from the mid 90s-early 2000s. The TLDR is that many laptops from many brands at the time used...
  14. 3lectr1c

    What's your oldest working battery?

    I put a thread out on this last year on 68kMLA before it got taken out by the crash, today I became reminded of it and thought to restart it. I'm putting it in both places this time as well, so folks over here can respond as well! So, what's your oldest battery that still holds charge? (enough...
  15. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 170 - speaker dead after taking it apart

    I had my 170 apart today to take the hard drive out to test something in another computer. When I got it back together I suddenly have no sound through the speaker. I don't remember for sure, but I'm pretty certain I did power it up today during the part shuffle with it working. Here's what...
  16. 3lectr1c

    How to only load desktop files from the boot partition?

    I just got my 3400c set up with a 4 OS quad-boot of Mac OS 7.6.1, 8.1, 8.5, and 9.1. The problem is that each OS loads all of the desktop files from each partition. Is there any way to make it only load the file from the partition it’s booted off of?
  17. 3lectr1c

    PowerBook 3400c!

    After months of waiting, a PowerBook 3400c popped up on eBay for a price that I was actually willing to pay. All I knew going into it was that it turned on, was a 200MHz model with 48MB of RAM and a 2GB HDD, and that it came with the charger and FOUR batteries. The seller didn't give details on...
  18. 3lectr1c

    iPod Classic 5.5 Gen (Enhanced) won't play videos

    I have a Black 30GB iPod Classic 5.5 Generation (Enhanced). It works fine for most things, I installed a new battery last year, it's still got the original hard drive and it's in good health with no bad sectors. It syncs, charges, and plays music just fine. However, when I go to play back a...
  19. 3lectr1c

    180c contrast drifting issue - inverter board caps?

    I picked up a 180c a few months ago. It worked but really needed the screen recapped, so I did that and the picture quality looks better now (no more artifact issues), but it’s got another problem. When I first turn it on, the screen looks perfect, but it will slowly down the contrast until...
  20. 3lectr1c

    Battery Damaged PC/AT Board - Component ID and general help

    Hello everybody! I'm pretty active on the 68kMLA forums, but I've been recommended here a lot and finally joined. Seems like a great place! I got given a dead IBM 5170 PC/AT last year, and the battery unfortunately exploded and splooshed the motherboard with all of its lovely juice. I've gotten...