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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. jajan547

    BlueSCSI V2 to Color Classic/Later Power Macintosh 3.5 Drive

    Hey everyone made this little adapter for BlueSCSI V2. Best part is if you choose not to use the Color Classic style drive sled you can flip it upside down and use the mounting holes like a normal hard drive. Download Link Here Here it is running in my Power Macintosh 7300/180
  2. jajan547

    Prototype Commodore 8250 Mini Drive Board

    Hey everyone not a big commodore person (no offense) but I have this prototype board from 8250 development looks like they were slimming it down for other computers in their lineup. I don’t know much about it or its history but if someone is interested in preserving it or buying it I’d love to...
  3. jajan547

    3D Printing The Notorious DB19!

    As most of us know the worlds supply of DB19's has sadly dwindled. This leaves many of us in the community in a tight spot when it comes to developing new creations and devices for our beloved machines. While there are DB19's out there they are limited and expensive, and that's not the sellers...
  4. jajan547

    Please Help Screws Broke Off, Paint Match Help too!

    Hello everyone I have a machine that has had the screws break off and they are now stuck in the machine. This is a result of some leakage, I'm trying to find a better solution to removing the screws without damaging the Aluminum in my III. Also because the leak also damaged the paint it peeled...
  5. jajan547

    Special RED Macintosh Plus Apple Events Developer Association

    I purchased this red Macintosh Plus that I'm sure a few of you may have seen on eBay. As it turns out there is more to the story than what one would imagine. I had first thought that this Macintosh Plus was one of two things, either a very rare and very strange prototype from Apple or a normal...
  6. jajan547

    Just Picked Up My First TAM, I need some help though.

    Hello everyone I very excitedly picked up a TAM (finally) it powers on and includes everything. There are some scratches here and there but that's easy to fix, what really scares me is finding a new LCD this one as you can see is half working it obviously needs replacing. Does anyone know a...
  7. jajan547

    What is an "ARPLE" Release?

    I found a Mac OS 8 disk and to says not for resale "ARPLE RELEASE" what does this mean? Rare at all?
  8. jajan547

    Soooo found this about the EGRET on Apple Developer Archives.... "EGRET WAKEUP"..... What?

    I found this weird little mess of files on the old apple Developer archives. From what I can tell it's a sample code, any thoughts?
  9. jajan547

    How in The World Can I Use This 68HC05 Programmer?

    Hello everyone I have a 0zTechnices or oztechnics, or []ztechnics 68HC05 Programmer here. I have some questions I was hoping this community may help me with. To begin I see three ports a DB25, a 12vDC power connector (can someone link a power supply looks like a weird jack), and a DB9 port. My...
  10. jajan547

    What Apple Service Tools And Devices Do You Own?

    Hello everyone I'm curious as to what official Apple tools everyone may have; for example below I have an Apple TechStep, Apple CAT, Apple Service Binders, and a neat device I found that Apple used to pry Mac's apart back in the day. Please feel free to share some of the neat tools you have.
  11. jajan547

    Anyone Else Have an Apple C.A.T. (TechStep Precurosr)?

    Hello everyone I don't know if most of you have heard of the Apple C.A.T. Diagnostic Tool, it was issued form Apple in the mid to late 80's and was used to diagnose and fix computers such as the Macintosh Portable, 128k, 512k(e), Plus, SE, SE/30, ii, iix, iicx, and iici (there may be more I am...
  12. jajan547


    I have seen there is a badges section but it looks as if no badges have yet been created? I think it'd be pretty neat to see badges for certain things, just wondering why it hasn't been implemented yet.
  13. jajan547

    I Just Got This Apple III Plus Bundle

    Hello everybody, I recently got this Apple III Plus bundle, as you can see the top shell is damaged (not too worried I can find a replacement) it included some software and such and it works. Currently it's on its way to me. Now I've heard of Apple iii's and only recently about the iii Plus How...
  14. jajan547

    Looks like I've joined the NEXT Club, I Do Have Some Questions Though.

    Hello everyone, very excited to get my first Next machine it's something that I've wanted for a long time. Now I'm sure most of you have seen the listing on eBay for a NextStation Turbo missing all of the internal components except for the logic board and fan (or at least some of you might've)...
  15. jajan547

    Why Are There Extra Pins on ROM Sockets for Certain Boards?

    Just curious if you were to look at say a Color Classic, Color Classic ii, LC475. Lciii/iii+, Classic, or Classic ii/Performa 200 for example why do these machines have the ROM backed out one row over? Was this because Apple considered ROM upgrades or what is the story here, are different chips...
  16. jajan547

    Found a Neat Mod From Back in The Day in My 128k

    I'm 90% sure this is a RAM Mod to upgrade the machine to 512k. Have to appreciate the craftsmanship. Not sure of the true RAM size but if someone knows feel free to comment.
  17. jajan547

    What are Modern Monitor/ Video Adapters for Old Macs?

    I have a Quadra 950, iivi, LCiii, LCiii+, LC475, iisi, and Prototype 6360. Point here is I have an old CRT monitor and because CRT's only last so long and because most sellers don't know how to ship CRT's or they just simply break in shipping, I'd like some modern converters or any monitors that...
  18. jajan547

    Apple ii EEPROM Programer Card?

    Hello everyone I recently won this in an auction and thought it was neat. I have a few questions though. To begin is this documentation (that looks like a reprint) correct for this programmer? What chips are compatible with this card and what can it program, even if it's just a few chips that...
  19. jajan547

    Help With TL866 ii Plus on a MAC

    I have previously used one of these on aWindows based computer but I need help figuring out how to set one of these up on my Mac as I'd like to do so. Any pointers are greatly appreciated. I have the Xgencu variant don't know if that matters I know multiple companies clone the same thing and...
  20. jajan547

    Might’ve hit the jackpot what do you all think I should do with these?

    So this is the technical procedures 1-7 and peripherals. It covers all apple ii lineups, both the apple iii and iii+, Macintosh 128k to se. We even have almost all printers and monitors and the iigs series. What should I do with them? Also HD20, Disk ii and Disk iii.