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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. jajan547

    I Have Some Questions About The iivi, iivx, and 600 Family, Plus My iivi Journey.

    So to elaborate I had a Macintosh iivi imported from Sweden from a friend. Unfortunately it's faceplate was damaged in shipping but I'd located a 600 faceplate and swapped the iivi logo in it's place. I was still missing the blanked out bezel and thanks to @slomacuser quite recently I was able...
  2. jajan547

    Apple Disk ii Woes

    Hello everyone haven't used my Apple ii Plus in a while and figured I'd give it more love. Well thing is I've never been able to get the disk ii to work with the Apple ii Plus. The drive constantly spins, my Disk ii card is plugged into slot 6 and I know I have the Disk ii hooked up to the Disk...
  3. jajan547

    Apple WGS 6150/66 needs some love.

    I recently purchased this workgroup server 6150/66. I know it’s in bad shape but it came with a sonnet G3 card (my main reason for buying it), I’m conflicted however, I know it needs most likely new housing but I want to keep the WGS silkscreen. My main question is does anybody have a...
  4. jajan547

    Flower Power SE Idea Assistance

    Hello everyone having seen the site where @-SE40- got inspiration for his mini I saw a flower power SE and so I got to thinking. I want to create the same thing and being that I am a horrendous artist I thought that having a custom vinyl wrap made would work. I eventually found this company and...
  5. jajan547

    SD to IDE, How Do I Use This?

    Hello everyone I purchased this on Amazon for my Prototype 6360 (image also below) and I was wondering how to use it. Can I do a similar operation where I copy the .HDA onto a SD card, pop it in, and boot such as in the BlueSCSi? Or am I stuck using floppies or CD's to put programs and operating...
  6. jajan547

    Any Thoughts on this "Prototype" 6360?

    I recently struck a deal with somebody to get this prototype (I believe to be 6360) 6360. The dates inside make me believe its a pre- production prototype 6360 and the label on the bottom says not for sale and it doesn't meet FCC requirements in place of the typical label we see on these. I have...
  7. jajan547

    iivx Bad Amplifier Part ID

    Hello according to my TechStep and the scratchy sound it appears an amplifier on my iivx board has gone bad, does anyone know where I can find replacements or which ones these use. Photo below.
  8. jajan547

    Macintosh iivx Speaker and Headphone Jack Buzzing Noise?

    Hello everyone I have yet another iivx board. It appears everything works perfectly except the headphone jack and speaker (whichever you use) crackle, there is only this noise on boot up presumably the chime and then it goes away. I should also add if a program or game runs in place of sound I...
  9. jajan547

    Quadra 900/950 blank faceplate & CD faceplate

    I edited the commonly found Quadra 950/900 CD bracket .stl to make it work for a blanked plate, problem is my "rectangles" protrude a bit. If someone here can edit it I'd greatly appreciate it but it otherwise works.
  10. jajan547

    Just ordered a Quadra 950, any known caveats or advice?

    I just ordered my first Quadra are there any things I should look out for or any maintenance items.? What kinds of upgrades, games, operating systems, or setups do you guys recommend?
  11. jajan547

    How do I put Mac OS8 on an SE/30 using BlueScsi

    I’ve tried and failed through basilk (butchered it I know) and can't seem to boot off 7.1 I did it in basil but after moving all appropriate files and naming the .hda properly to put in the SCSI2SD it just won't boot. Mind you this is 7.1 not even to installing MAC OS 8 yet. It's worth noting I...
  12. jajan547

    You know you like a MAC Lciii when...

    You order new Vans in Apple colors and Lciii schematics on them.
  13. jajan547

    SE/30 Crashes Randomly....

    Hello everyone I have an SE/30 that has had some work done, it appears previously recapped and looks to have trace repair done as well. Well at first everything went well until about 20 minutes after each use give or take, the computer would go black on the screen and then when you go to power...
  14. jajan547

    Where can I buy 128MB SE/30 RAM?

    Trying to max out my SE/30 with 128MB or ram, is there anywhere where this can be purchased?
  15. jajan547

    Silly SE/30 Question but.....

    I have a BlueSCSI for my SE/30 and want to hook up the HDD activity light to it what pins on the BlueSCSI hook to the HDD activity light?
  16. jajan547

    iivi No Chime, No Video, Recapped and working Power supply….Help?

    So I have a iivi and it’s been recapped, I know the power supply is perfect and there’s no corrosion. However when it boots the fan spins the, led comes on, but after that nothing else just stays on with the fan running, any ideas?
  17. jajan547

    LC475 SAD MAC Chimes : (

    Hello everyone I have an LC475 motherboard I purchased from Europe the Board has the distinct EURO after the serial number on the board. I bring this up because I am in the US and am having some doubts about things. For starters I have installed a working known good CPU, I have cleaned the...
  18. jajan547

    What chips can I use to program new ROMs for a Colo(u)r Classic or Colo(u)r Classic II?

    Hello everyone, I am trying to make some new ROMs for colo(u)r classics and I figured I'd ask what chips work. I was thinking maybe an 27C400 but I'm not sure. I know to program these chips you have to have the little adapter board. However, I am skeptical as to what may or may not work and as...
  19. jajan547

    What do you guys think of this "unique to say the least" Performa 475 (Prototype, early dev?)

    Hi everyone I picked up this Performa 475 and its strange to say the least. For starters it has a ROM slot, CUDA reset switch, and "PRIMUS" by the board serial number. This was made four months before the October release of these machines. I believe this was a machine Apple probably sent out to...
  20. jajan547

    Please help, don't mess around with J16 on a iisi

    Hello everyone I was hoping someone here could help me figure this out. So if you look at J16 on a iisi it is unused I figured that maybe I could use it as a more reliable means for other speakers because it shared continuity with the same pins as the speaker/led contacts underneath the board...