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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. PotatoFi

    Apple II Plus

    Through the co-worker of a family member, I recently learned about an Apple II Plus that was destined for the trash. I was told that if I paid shipping costs, it was mine! I gave them my address, they gave me their PayPal, and the deal was done! They went to a pack and ship place (like the UPS...
  2. PotatoFi

    Feature Request: Make Images Accessible Without Registration

    Hi Admins! I have a request! If a user is not logged in, they are presented with thumbnail images in forum posts, but can't access the full-size image. I share my forum posts (especially my restoration threads) with external users pretty often. Is there a downside to making images fully...
  3. PotatoFi

    $30 Box of Random Electronics

    This popped up on Facebook Market place today: a box of random electronics for $30. Hmmmmm. There could be some good stuff in there. Maybe... just maybe. I decided to go for it! Oh, wow! An Apple M0116 keyboard! Complete with ADB cable! What a great find, I never would have guessed that it...
  4. PotatoFi

    PowerBook 160 Brightness

    This evening, I recapped my PowerBook 160 LCD, and the screen itself is working great again! The contrast slider works pretty well, too. What isn't working reliably is the brightness potentiometer. It seems to only go between "off" and "sorta bright". I pulled out the small board with the...