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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. ComputerCompulsive

    Color Classic with grey screen and horizontal lines

    Hey Folks, I've got a sad Color Classic that powers on then displays this screen (screenshot below) and does not chime. Please Note: This is a known working chassis boots my ccii just fine. The only hint I've found online seems to suggest that either the upper or lower rom is bad but I've...
  2. ComputerCompulsive

    Anyone have experience with the ATTiny RTC Module?

    Hey folks, I'm trying to wrap up the repair on my Battery Bombed SE/30 board but I need some assistance please. I picked up a ATTiny RTC Module for the SE/30 from the CayMacVintage store and I want to make sure I'm putting in the board the right way. Is it safe to assume that the pin 1 mark on...
  3. ComputerCompulsive

    SE/30 won't boot External BlueSCSI from cold BUT will boot off drive image from system picker restart

    Howdy Folks, So my resurrected battery bombed SE/30 continues to have BlueSCSI issues but after reflowing the SCSI chip it got a little...better? betterish? So here are the symptoms: With the caymac BMOW rom installed If I try to boot the external BlueSCSI from a cold boot it tries to boot disk...
  4. ComputerCompulsive

    My first Battery Bombed SE30 Resurrection!

    I've been working on four SE/30 boards now for on and off for a few months just whenever I have a couple hours to spare. Well Tonight I had a HUGE win on the most damaged board I've been working on which you can see here: I would have live streamed it but my overhead light burnt out today...
  5. ComputerCompulsive

    Fixed my first SE/30! Now onto SE/30 number 2 of 4

    Hey Folks, After troubleshooting on and off for a couple weeks I've managed to get my first SE/30 working :) As it turns out though that one was the easy one! I've got a second board here that's exhibiting some strange behaviour depending on whether I'm using the original rom sim or if I'm...
  6. ComputerCompulsive

    Is there such a thing as a Macintosh Power Supply Compatibility list?

    Hey Folks, Just wondering if there is such a thing as a Macintosh Power Supply Compatibility list? Seems like there is some interoperability between certain machines (SE and SE/30 for example) but I haven't seen a comprehensive list of which supplies work with which machines (not yet anyway)...
  7. ComputerCompulsive

    SE/30 Y3 Crystal Replacement Recommendation?

    Greetings, Wondering if someone can help me to replace the Y3 Crystal one of my three broken SE/30 boards I'm trying to repair. Afraid that the legs just couldn't take an ultrasonic cleaning and broke off right at the base; I tried replacing it with one of these...
  8. ComputerCompulsive

    Sad IIsi chime with no video

    Hi Folks! So a friend asked me to take a look at a Mac IIsi he had purchased a while back. Unfortunately the board has been damaged by a previous recapping job gone bad. There were multiple missing pads and trace breaks when he brought it to me so I told him I would do my best to try to fix...
  9. ComputerCompulsive

    Have an International 630-0108 Analog board that someone wants to convert to 120v

    Hey there, So recently someone asked me to racap a couple macs for him. No problem there but he also asked me to figure out why his one Mac Plus wouldn't turn on properly. As soon as he brought it over it was easy to see the issue, on the back of the unit in clear text was written 220-240V well...
  10. ComputerCompulsive

    Sad SE/30 video error and no sound

    Hey folks! I picked up a 40 dollar SE/30 that needs a little TLC. It was completely dead but after recapping I get part of a video signal. Seems like some lines are corrupted. I found one bad trace going to ue8 and repaired it and now the video looks like this (see photo) it's improving but...
  11. ComputerCompulsive

    Making a replacement Hinge for a 15" Studio Display

    Hey folks, I recently picked up a few monitors and unfortunately one of them has a broken hinge. I looked for a 3D model for the 15 inch Apple Studio Display hinge but couldn't find one. Long story short my brother in law did up a STL file for me and we prototyped it on a 3D printer. Now that...
  12. ComputerCompulsive

    Apple 15 inch Studio Display (M4551) missing a power supply

    Hey folks! A friend of mine saved this Apple 15 inch (Blueberry) display from the recycler and asked if I wanted it. Of course like any sane person I said YES lol Unfortunately this one didn't come with a power supply so I have no way to power it up for testing. I was wondering if one of you...
  13. ComputerCompulsive

    Help Please - I've confused my Beige G3 trying to setup SATA

    Hello, So having watched Action Retro Shenanigans with SATA cards in Beige Macs I recently decided picked up a SATA controller card off ebay for use in my G3 minitower. I plugged the card into the tower and added a SSD, booted into MAC OS 9.2.2 and could see the drive no issue. I initialized...
  14. ComputerCompulsive

    Purchased a 400mhz G3 ZIFF Upgrade CPU but after installation G3 Still reports 266Mhz

    Hi there, Well here I was all excited to install my new CPU thinking I'd open up system profiler to see a 400mhz G3 cpu upgrade listed. Yet when the system booted up and I went into the profiler all I saw was 266Mhz. So what am I missing? Attached pictures from the sale where he clearly...
  15. ComputerCompulsive

    G3 Iomega Zip 100 Drive was working now doesn't mount disks

    Another day another new problem on my old hardware :) So not even a week ago I had a Biege G3 tower with working CD-Rom, Floppy, USB, and Zip Drive. Today everything works BUT the zip drive. I'm hoping the drive isn't dead but I know Zip Drives are kind of notorious for that. In any case here...
  16. ComputerCompulsive

    Bizarre issue with NTSC C64 - running too fast?!?

    Hi there, Between parts for my various other projects I decided to boot up one of my C64s and verify that a disk drive I'm about to sell is still working. Well the good news is the drive is working the bad news is that the C64 has developed a couple bizarre flaws. 1) The disk drive was...
  17. ComputerCompulsive

    Color Classic logic board powers on from keyboard then nothing...

    Good Evening, So I've been picking up a few systems locally and wanted to start recapping them for either my personal collection or to sell/trade. I've had a number of successes including two Mac Classics, a Classic II, and a Color Classic. All were "working" before the recap in that they at...
  18. ComputerCompulsive

    Is this a SCSI port on my Zip 250?

    Hi, Just trying to verify an assumption on my part; Is the port on the back of this Zip 250 drive for SCSI? I can't find any indication on the drive itself that it supports SCSI but I can't think what else this port would be for if not for SCSI. Is anyone able to shed some light please?
  19. ComputerCompulsive

    LC 550 vs LC 575 Chassis CD-Rom physical location of connection different?

    Hi there, Taking a break from my Amiga 500 restoration I thought I'd turn my attention to my LC 575 restoration. I previously received a 575 via mail that arrived in, shall we say, less than ideal condition. I managed to salvage a few parts from it including the logic board and I've slowly...
  20. ComputerCompulsive

    Amiga 500 won't boot if keyboard is connected

    Hi there, I'm having an issue where I connect a hitek keyboard to (any) Amiga 500 and the machine simply will not boot up. Unhook the keyboard and everything is a okay. I'm thinking/hoping it's a short on the keyboard PCB but wondering if anyone else has had this issue? Any suggestions on the...