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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. mmu_man

    Macintosh G4 Cube LED strip lighting base

    On a request by @XodiumLabs I made this little base to light up your G4 Cube. You can find photos on Xodium's Cube thread. The files are on Thingiverse, and on MS GitHub. You can adjust the height and thickness on the OpenSCAD model.
  2. mmu_man

    FOSDEM 2025 (Feb 1-2, Brussels, EU) - Retrocomputing Devroom - Call for papers ≤ 12-01

    Like last year there will be a retro devroom, the CfP is here.
  3. mmu_man

    FOSDEM RetroComputing devroom, Brussels 2025-02-02 - CfP (deadline 2024-12-01)

    In case you missed it, the FOSDEM RetroComputing devroom CfP is out. Deadline is December 1st. It will take place in Brussels on February 2nd.
  4. mmu_man

    Tales of a poor battery-bombed SIS-471-G 486 motherboard…

    Two weeks ago I took this 486 away from its 25 years sleep at my mum's attic… It was quite well stored and covered, except little did I know back then about Varta, Destroyer of Worlds. I then spent way too much time cleaning it, removing components… checking and fixing traces…...
  5. mmu_man

    Rubber pads without 3D printing

    While some people managed to recreate rubber pads with 3D-printed TPU, and it can look quite okay, I thought it could look better, and I wanted to explore other methods. I've had the idea for some time, for another machine, but I had this Color StyleWriter 2200 around with feet turning into goo...
  6. mmu_man

    Parametric PGA socket

    I saw @max1zzz had a try at OpenSCAD, to generate PGA sockets, so I helped and cleaned up the code, made it more parametric, so we can now 3D-print sockets for all those… The code is here.
  7. mmu_man

    343S0120 (0120) voltage monitor IC (LC, Color Classic, Classic II) replacement

    I've been distracted from EGRET woes by that small chip next to it… I've since figured out the pinout and characteristics, and found a potential candidate for replacement. But of course it doesn't have the same pinout, and of course it's also SOIC-8, because the smaller TSSOP version is...
  8. mmu_man

    FOSDEM 2024 (Feb 3&4, Brussels, EU) - Retrocomputing Devroom - Call for papers

    Retrocomputing Devroom - WHAT FOSDEM offers open source and free software developers a place to meet, share ideas and collaborate. Renowned for being highly developer-oriented, the event brings together some 8000+ geeks from all over the world. The twenty-fourth edition will take place...
  9. mmu_man

    Plagued Capacitor List

    Discord user CJ posted a list there of capacitor series that were found to be leaking, some already mentioned on the badcaps forums, and agreed to have it posted there. Feel free to add more as you find them. Chemi-con - LXF, SXE, SXF, SXG, TXF Elna - RC2S, RC3S, RSE, RSG, RSH NIC Components...
  10. mmu_man

    Micro-Alchimie (France)

    Last week-end we had 65 people gathering in a minuscule town in France with old computers… Some people took photos. I fixed some stuff there (like an N64 PSU brick, an Amiga RAM card…), and we had a lot of fun.
  11. mmu_man

    PowerBook 1xx kickstand / flippy foot

    Not sure how to name these, but I made the model. Still untested though, and I'm not sure of the screw pitch yet.
  12. mmu_man

    PowerBook 1xx hinge cover remake

    And again someone on the Discord pushed me in getting one more thing modeled… I left my calipers at the fablab so it might still need tweaking… Source here, you can get STL directly from cadhub for example.
  13. mmu_man

    PowerBook 1xx PowerDoor™ remake

    The other day someone posted a nice picture on Discord of the "PowerDoor™" replacement ports door for the PowerBook 100 Series, which includes holes for both the power button and the modem port. I knew I saw an existing model for the regular door, so I quickly made a mod in OpenSCAD, which can...
  14. mmu_man

    PowerBook 1xx Trackball Ring

    Instead of finishing my many other projects or doing the overdue paperwork, yesterday I modeled this part that was requested on the Discord. There's an "FDM optimized" version that puts the notches as indents to allow printing with top on the bed. @SuperSVGA managed to get a good looking...
  15. mmu_man

    Surface finish on 3D-prints?

    I'm wondering what others use as surface finish on their prints, do you leave it as-is, do you use smoothing sprays (haven't tried yet)? I experimented a bit with sanding (here on the bottom part on the right one, but I find it too matte compared to the LC case), then hot air + pushing against...
  16. mmu_man

    PowerBook grey filament? Which RAL?

    Anybody already checked for a filament color match for 680xx and pre-G3 PM PowerBooks? I might soon get a RAL K7 color chart, so that might help.
  17. mmu_man

    Setting up webshop? (France/EU)

    During the covid lockdown I spent quite some time designing an AAUI2AUI adapter cable, and actually ordered parts to make like 20 or 30 of them since they were sold at least by 10 anyway… I still only have 2 of them finished though. 😅 (and making kits for this one is probably as time consuming...
  18. mmu_man

    Hello from France…

    First computer: ORIC Atmos First Mac: Mac LC-III Seems I haven't written an intro yet… I'm François, I supposedly have an engineering degree in CS & electronics, and I start way too many projects, some of which bitrot on MS GitHub. I contribute to many FLOSS projects, mainly Haiku, a Free...
  19. mmu_man

    AT / ATX PSU replacement solutions and add-ons (links)

    We were discussing different AT and ATX converters and addons on Discord so I though it'd be useful to collect them: ATX2AT Smart Converter: convert from ATX to AT, adding -5V. hkzlab's ATXm5v: an ATX -5V injector ATX -5V Adapter Board and modified adapter cable ATX Power for Retro Computers...
  20. mmu_man

    ORIC Owner

    Just wondering if others here had an ORIC machine… I have 3 Atmos and 1 ORIC-1, Jasmin 1 and Jasmin 2, and two MCP-40.