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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. lilliputian

    Andes SATA to SCSI Enclosure (Mountain Secure Systems)

    Just discovered this company, Mountain Secure Systems, that produces a line of SATA-to-SCSI enclosures for legacy systems, the "Andes Series SCSI Interface to SATA Conversion". There is not any obvious way to purchase just a single unit, or even to see how much they are, so I doubt they'd be...
  2. lilliputian

    Kennect Rapport & Drive 2.4 Troubleshooting

    Feeling a bit gutted at the moment... After negotiating a very reasonable price with the seller, I was excited to receive a Kennect Rapport paired with the Kennect Drive 2.4 for use with my Mac Plus. The packaging took a big fall at some point in transit between Alaska and California, but the...
  3. lilliputian

    Jaz USB Adapter

    So I've acquired a Jaz USB Adapter (very cheaply, I should add!) which came with an Iomega 25-pin SCSI adapter. Since SCSI is SCSI and USB is USB, it should work as a generic SCSI to USB adapter, no? However as a test I plugged it into my modern machine connected to a Zip 100 SCSI (with disk...
  4. lilliputian

    Monitor Sad Shipping Story

    Well, I'm sure you all can see where this is headed. Was very excited to get a reasonably priced M0401 High-Resolution RGB CRT from ebay, and... The seller didn't use bubble wrap at all. Just cardboard inserts. If they had used both, it would have been perfect, but with just the cardboard the...
  5. lilliputian

    Finding a specific DRAM chip for PB500

    Hey all! Inspired by @Branchus 's latest video demoing Kero's new RAM boards, I wanted to return to and try to upgrade my PowerBook 540c's own RAM module. RAM modules for the PowerBook 500 series are notoriously expensive now, and because the connector no longer exists, new boards cannot be...
  6. lilliputian

    Cracked Joints - Photos

    Some very cracked joints on a Macintosh Plus analogue board. From a machine that spent some time out-of-doors....
  7. lilliputian

    Recent HiBid Auction

    So I just got the last of several boxes of stuff I won in the Mac repair store auction from "Auction House 282" on HiBid. My goodness, was it packed poorly! Most of what I won were disks and books, and the sellers made almost zero attempt to secure or protect anything in the boxes. Some packing...
  8. lilliputian

    Quantum ProDrive 80S Troubleshooting

    Hello, I'm currently trying to resurrect a Quantum ProDrive 80S that came with a Mac II I bought recently. The drive itself is not actually important to me, and so this is more of a technical challenge than anything else. I've already dealt with the arm stiction by applying some electrical...
  9. lilliputian

    GeeThree PS/2 to ADB Adapter

    On a lark, I decided to try ordering one of GeeThree's PS/2 to ADB mouse adapters from their old website. Despite appearing more or less inactive, and the website itself being a bit janky, I was able to get an order through and, wouldn't you know it, my order arrived today! If I had to guess...