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  1. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC Think C 6 and System 7.6.1...

    Lol this is exactly my set up too. And agreed, it has never crashed on me.
  2. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    I ran into the same problem. Stuffit Deluxe has a set of utilities in its "Translate" menu that are a big help. I'm using Stuffit Delux 3.5.1 to BinHex my builds, and to create copies of the .c files with UNIX or Windows line feeds that Github understands. Once I do that, I transfer them to my...
  3. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Thanks for this suggestion! I tried it, and it works pretty well - I've got it in a branch in Github here, and I'll stick a build in this post. There are some visual artifacts I want to figure out. Sometimes the ball doesn't get erased from a window that's being moved, so it leaves a ghost ball...
  4. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Thanks :) And yeah, I don't think I can do any game or window content updates while DragWindow() is happening, so the best I could figure is to make the ball invisible while the window is being moved, then let the game loop re-draw it afterwards in the right spot...
  5. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Good news, Multi Pong fans! I just pushed a new version to GitHub (ß3) which is much more challenging! In this version, the ball won't bounce off a surface that's occluded by another window (thanks to this tip from @Crutch). It will also keep moving during mouseDown events (specifically, it will...
  6. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Ah, I see that now. Got it. Thanks @Crutch and @Patrick
  7. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Clever! Am I misreading this, or is there a chance it could stomp over some memory if a+b combined are longer than 255 characters?
  8. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Well I'm not quite enough of a H4XX0R to do it in 3 lines, but I trimmed 6,018 whole bytes out of my app by replacing ANSI sprintf() with this bad boy. void ConcatStr255( StringPtr first, StringPtr second ) { Byte *f = first; Byte *s = second; int fl = *f; *f = fl + *s...
  9. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Man I spent like an hour looking for a Toolbox routine that I assumed must exist. It's a relief to confirm that I wasn't just bad at reading documentation! I'll indeed roll my own - thanks for those suggestions. Super clear - thanks! Those color graphics gave me away, huh? :D And actually...
  10. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Wo0t! I got everything (mostly!) working together, and Multi Pong is now a playable game. See the source and download it from Github. There are a few things I can't figure out yet - if anybody has clever ideas, let me know. The ball is flickery. I'm animating it with alternating calls to...
  11. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 2] - Events & Menu Management

    Sweet! For Study Group 2 I'm going to try to make "Multi Pong": a game that's just like normal pong, except that the player's paddle is locked to a fixed spot in a window, so you need to move the windows themselves around in order to line up your shots. My first accomplishment today is abusing...
  12. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Thanks for the tip. In fact, I was seeing some erratic behavior in my Toxecret program that went away when I put an EventRecord pointer back in, so yay! While I was in there, I also incorporated your tip about calculating the line height for the text from post #26, instead of hard-coding it.
  13. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    Interestingly, SystemTask() doesn't allow me to take screenshots. It looks like it yields the CPU to desk accessories, but not to whatever routine does screen captures, possibly? With WaitNextEvent() I can specify that I'm yielding for 1 tick per cycle and give it a nil pointer, and everything...
  14. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 1] Drawing on the Macintosh

    I cobbled together a first QuickDraw program this afternoon - a recreation of the virus Jeff Goldblum wrote on his Powerbook 5300 in Independence Day. So if aliens ever invade, don't worry folks, I got us covered. A couple interesting things I learned: It was really easy to put all the text...
  15. Kabootie Computey!

    ThinkC [Study Group 0] Getting your Development Environment Setup & Hello, World!

    I'm also joining the party really late, but I found this study group a few days ago, and I'm mega excited about it. What a fun idea! I didn't have the programming chops in the 1990s to build mac programs that would have been any good, but I wanted to SO MUCH. I'm going to try to do this all on...