ThinkC Think C 6 and System 7.6.1...

Relating to ThinkC Development


Jul 15, 2022
Does anyone know about compatibility between Think C 6 and System 7.6.1? I am trying to use it under SheepShaver and it's not working very well.

I get hard lock-ups or endless hanging when I try to build under SheepShaver. Back in the 80s and early 90s, I seem to remember Think C being buggy and crashing frequently vs. environments like MPW or CodeWarrior. So, maybe I am just re-remembering why I never really used it in the past. Also, the compiler/linker errors do not appear to be very informative.

Is there a matrix somewhere of which versions of Think C work with which system versions? Or is it a SheepShaver issue?

Or, maybe something is corrupted. I guess I will try a fresh install from the 30mb project drive....or maybe see if my old version of CodeWarrior 10 or Gold still works, assuming I can find it.


Staff member
Sep 2, 2021
SheepShaver is a PowerPC emulator - ThinkC6 is a 68k app - even on real PPC hardware it crashes/doesnt work right. I'd use BasiliskII or Mini vmac and emulate a 68k machine. It works fine in both of those. It also works fine on a real 68k machine running 7.6.1.
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Jul 10, 2022
Totally agree w/ @eric , but would add don’t use Basilisk for 68K coding. It can’t run Macsbug, which is essential if you’re sufficiently serious. Mini vMac is your best bet in my experience. THINK C 6 is extremely solid on Mini vMac emulating a 4MB Mac II.
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Jul 15, 2022
OK - sounds like it's probably a PPC-related issue. Thanks for the help everyone.

I'm tired of SheepShaver's issues - the scrolling/paging click-slewing is poorly implemented and nearly impossible to use. Plus, no Macsbug/NMI support. Don't get me wrong -- I think that the emulators are amazing for many reasons, but there are still some fundamental usability issues that vex me.

Maybe I will just set everything up on my 950 with a 21" monitor. I think I have an accelerated 1152 board around here somewhere. I just rebuilt the floppy drive, and I have a 150gb SCSI drive for it, but I need to create a cooling setup. I also have a 900, but with all the cheap RAM available, the 950 is much better. The 900 had major 24/32-bit addressing issues and can't boot when using a RAM disk with more that 32Mb installed -- all fixed on the 950. I may try a reverse ROM swap at some point.

No Macsbug (or TMON or Nosy) is definitely an issue. Thanks @Crutch. If I have any issues on the Quadra, I will go back to my Mac II or IIsi and see if they work. I upgraded the ROMs on the Mac II to IIx and am currently doing some FPU testing...but can't finish that until next week. If anybody knows where I can find a II-format SWIM chip, let me know. Seems impossible.
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Jul 15, 2022
I have been too busy over the past month or two to try it, but I plan to set it up on my 950. I have to make a cooled enclosure for my drive. Then I will try to set it up with a 1360 x 1024 board, assuming I can find a flat panel that works properly.


Jul 15, 2022
Well...I finally set up my Quadra 950 and found my Symantec C++ Release 4 disk from around 1995. It also includes THINK Pascal 4.0.2 and other fun tools. In addition, I installed CodeWarrior 11 Gold. It is currently running on a SuperMac Thunder/24 board on a Sony 520GS 21" monitor. Now I just have to find my GWorld RAM and try it with the 1360x1024 board. I think I have 8Mb around here somewhere.
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