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    No. 😝

    Thanks Kia, this subject needs greater exposure so in the slightly unlikely event that a greedy seller does research outside eBay they read this at least this provides a reality check, whether or not they accept that advice and knowledge is down to them or their stupidity. The price will show...

    Documentation for DB15 to VGA adapters

    Here is another one. Not sure what this would work with and it does not like my LC or my supermac 8 or IIci internal video but I only have a single old 15” lcd so it may have been my display (image ghosts) sold it now but still have another without dips to sell.

    Documentation for DB15 to VGA adapters

    This works on my IIci with onboard and supermac 8 card

    LC III: internal speaker works intermittently when pressing on the external audio jack. Audio plays through external jack when connected.

    Getting the socket off can be a pain and risks trace damage if you are not careful (I have just fixed a LC that someone tried recapping and destroyed the pads for the cap and resistor infront of the socket which they then tried to remove ripping traces off everywhere in the process) so be...

    Apple Design Speakers Re-capping Guide

    For anyone interested in recapping their Apple Design Speakers - I knocked these up when I did mine to cure an annoying hum (which recapping sorted out).

    No. 😝

    Umm - its got ridiculous. I would not mind having a 6100 or similar as a cross over or a Iivi for that matter but I ain't about to pay the stupid prices idiots think they are worth. OK so if your not a solder / rework kinda of enthusiast - fine buy a pre repaired / recapped machine and pay that...

    No. 😝

    It’s gone mad. This time last year I got a cap banged LCIII for £30.00 with some nice ram upgrades inside. Now people are asking stupid amounts. My IIci only cost me £90 delivered and it was full of the important cards Yet some sellers think these are worth £££. Admittedly they are not so...

    Oh hey, it's another dead IIsi power supply thread

    Same here. Had a faulty recapped mac LC PSU sent in for repair and cap juice was under the ICs and the inductors but after a clean and reinstall of all the components worked fine. Hope yours is the same simple fix.

    Ram cover for iMac slot loader missing.

    Ow, that’s kind of you. I will direct message you.

    Ram cover for iMac slot loader missing.

    Hi all, Hope you are all enjoying your retro Mac’s Quick question if I may. Does anyone know of a 3 D printable replacement for the memory door/cover to fit the slot loading G3 iMacs that is available to download. Someone forgot to put the one on mine back when the decommissioned it. 😂😔...

    BlueSCSI DB25

    The db25 blueSCSI is dead simple to use and maintain thanks to the fantastic work by its contributors. You will need to setup an emulator on a modern Mac ( there are tonnes of tutorials on line and even YouTube videos on how to do this). All the links to emulator stuff are on the blueSCSI...

    My IIsi Power Supply is dying. Possible to fix?

    Maybe add a link to the resources section to the psu replacements when they are available to make it eas to find.

    Quadra 950 - bezel colour?

    I have some really good success mixing 6:1 Ammo MIG acrylics 965 Dunkeigalb Shine and 911 grey shine. sadly the numbers on my labels is wearing offf making it difficult to identify correctly but I am fairly sure that is right. I also add 1 part black or 1 part white to adjust for age. Regarding...

    LC III Dyna Corp PSU not playing ball even after a recap

    Hi, yes I replaced that capacitor as well. And repaired a small bit of trace damage leading to it.

    LC III Dyna Corp PSU not playing ball even after a recap

    Hi, Thanks for that information. Been busy with other stuff of late and a long winded trip to the Isle of Man in the middle of it all so PSU has been left alone for a while. I have since then now done the following: replaced,U1,2 and 3 UC3842AN Current Mode PWM Controller DIP8 and 2 xPC 817...

    Spinner or SD card recommendations please.

    That's fantastic. I will order up one of the enclosures mentioned by @Action Retro with a SSD as regardless of whether I can get this iMac fixed its a useful thing to own (yes they are available on Amazon UK) and I found an adaptor as well.. In the mean time I found a box of HDD in the corner...

    Spinner or SD card recommendations please.

    Is there any issues with TRIM? I read lots of stuff where some say forget about it where as others are adamant it must be TRIM hardware enabled (which is what is in my G5 tower (OWC)). Thanks for the video tips - i'll check them out.

    Spinner or SD card recommendations please.

    I have just picked up a M5521 400mhz iMac for the cost of a beer but it has no HDD. Has anyone had success using an IDE to SD adapter or should I buy a spinner as per originally fitted. The machine boots from the slot loading CD fine and the only issue seems to be a dry joint on the analogue...

    LC III Dyna Corp PSU not playing ball even after a recap

    I had a dead DynaCorp LC PSU and after a recapping and through clean before and after new caps, it has sort of come back part way but seems to lack enough current to power the LC III (or LC). I had been using it but had to turn off the machine due to a system bomb and then it would not power on...

    IIci restoration chances

    Dish washer definitely a no go, you’re better off just washing with IPA. Utransonic cleaners are more than just a wash