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  1. P

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    That is impressive. All of my SE accelerators cause issues with Prince of Persia's intro music. Not like the issue you're having with Tetris, a different issue where the music keeps dropping out and notes hang. That's what I was checking for. @Zane - historically there may have been two audio...
  2. P

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Good work - looks like setting the volume level to 1 brought it down into range. I was nervous to suggest that in case Tetris cranked it back up on launch and toasted your recorder. Like @Andy said, the stuttering sounds and looks like a background task hogging the CPU. As a quick test, perhaps...
  3. P

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Yes, you're right, sorry, I didn't listen that far. Part of the issue is that there is quite heavy distortion through the entire video, even on the stock config. Either the games you've selected have very crude sound (they're not games I play), or you're getting clipping on your recorder. This...
  4. P

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    I recommend testing Prince of Persia - that's the game my cards struggle with most.
  5. P

    WarpSE: 25 MHz 68HC000-based accelerator for Mac SE

    Yeah, the sound out on the SE isn't line level, just to warn you. It was designed to drive an external (I assume unamplified) speaker. The "Robust Firmware" sounds the same as the stock SE to me, although you are probably getting digital clipping on all recordings if you're overdriving the...
  6. P

    Archiving CD images using Toast 3 (1997)

    Take care - all you are comparing is the partition map itself, it isn't verifying data integrity. The other command I used was for that. That is a byte by byte comparison of the two files. "diff" compares strings, so I use xxd to convert the two binary files into a hex output, then compare the hex.
  7. P

    Archiving CD images using Toast 3 (1997)

    Its my own python script. Specifically "", but it makes use of as well, so you need both files in the same folder. They're not a polished product and probably not for general use. I wrote them to help...
  8. P

    Archiving CD images using Toast 3 (1997)

    Yes sorry, you can't create a iso image of this type of CD. I missed that that was what you were trying to do. I wouldn't call it Windows-centric. A bin / cue image is basically an iso with a contents page (more accurately, what we call an iso is actually a .bin - the iso name only refers to...
  9. P

    Archiving CD images using Toast 3 (1997)

    Here is the partition map from the CD I ripped on Linux : ... and here is the partition map from the CD I ripped using Toast 3.5.x : But as with later versions of Toast, it very slightly modifies the file. This is the output of diff <(xxd ./My\ CD.iso) <(My\ CD\ Linux.iso) ...
  10. P

    Archiving CD images using Toast 3 (1997)

    Have you tried using the menu option Format>SCSI Copy in Toast 3.5? Click "Data...", then pick the CD... then ... possibly click Options and deselect "Clear Driver Descriptor Map" - I'm not certain about this step, I tend to use version 4.x. I'd want to generate two images and compare them...
  11. P

    Archiving CD images using Toast 3 (1997)

    Hey, I wrote the linked post. Toast copies the entire CD when done as described - completely, byte for byte including "hidden" data (I'm not sure what you mean by that, but if it is on the disk, it is getting copied). The one differences I was talking about is where Toast modifies part of the...
  12. P

    Software-only OVERCLOCK for LC475, LC575, Quadra 605

    Really? The code was only released this month. Have you been doing your own hacks? Could you share your code? The control panel is probably 7.5 to 8.1 (and later with a PPC upgrade). I wrote the CP in RealBasic, so I suspect it wont run in 7.1 (probably will with Finder 7.1.3 installed in 7.1...
  13. P

    PowerCache Card in IIci -- Why So Slow?

    No need to use an archive, Daystar still have the files for download on their site :
  14. P

    Purchased a 400mhz G3 ZIFF Upgrade CPU but after installation G3 Still reports 266Mhz

    A B&W. Well, it wasn't the PSU. There seems to be some sort of loose connection in the machine somewhere and sometimes it refuses to power on. Or possibly the caps are marginal. It seems to be more reliable with the door open. I'll have to investigate. An ATX conversion for the beige isn't...
  15. P

    PowerCache Card in IIci -- Why So Slow?

    Interesting, I figure, same as the IIfx vs the IIci, the benchmark must completely fit within the cache because the RAM and system bus is a different speed on all of these machines.
  16. P

    PowerCache Card in IIci -- Why So Slow?

    One more reply sorry about this, I've been playing with various benchmark software to see if the IIci scores differently on any of them out of curiosity - my copy of MacBench Speedometer 4 didn't have a score for a IIfx, so I ran a copy of 3.06. Here you can seem my 50MHz IIci vs the IIfx, and...
  17. P

    PowerCache Card in IIci -- Why So Slow?

    Further to the above, lowendmac has a speedometer 4 score for the IIfx CPU of 0.71. My IIci (using a Nubus video card and a 50MHz PowerCache) scores 0.865 for CPU, PR : 0.921. I think some of the issue here is that the IIfx CPU scores are being assumed to be higher than they are. The PowerCache...
  18. P

    Purchased a 400mhz G3 ZIFF Upgrade CPU but after installation G3 Still reports 266Mhz

    Sadly my PSU gave up today. Sigh. I'm having a lot of trouble with power supplies these days.
  19. P

    PowerCache Card in IIci -- Why So Slow?

    @This Does Not Compute I just watched your video and it surprised me. I have the older vanilla PowerCache, and get the following performance in my IIci :