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  1. geokov

    I received a microscope for Christmas and opened up my battery bombed IIci to try it out.

    I have repaired the diode area and have good connections to where all the pads are supposed to go. I just have to add some solder mask to the exposed bodge wires and then move on to the RTC repair. It's not my best soldering but repairing those tiny pads was tough. It works so I am not going to...
  2. geokov

    Best glue for gluing diodes to motherboard?

    Due to missing pads I need to glue a couple of small diodes to my IIci motherboard. What glue is recommended?
  3. geokov

    I received a microscope for Christmas and opened up my battery bombed IIci to try it out.

    Hi, I have been going over the board front and back to come up with a plan of attack. I am lucky enough to have a RTC chip replacement and the vias and traces under the chip survived miraculously well. The worst of it is the diode area and I am planning to do what you mentioned, attach bodge...
  4. geokov

    I received a microscope for Christmas and opened up my battery bombed IIci to try it out.

    That's the worst damage (the battery area), the rest of the board is not the best but ok. The diodes and their pads are completely gone. I also lost all the legs and pads on the diode side of the RTC chip. Those legs are not connected to anything in the pinout. Lots of repairing to do in this area.
  5. geokov

    I received a microscope for Christmas and opened up my battery bombed IIci to try it out.

    I cleaned it up the battery/RTC area to have a look at the carnage. The RTC chip is in rough shape and I completely lost the R7 and R8 diodes. Doesn't look good but I wanted a challenge. :) Now I'm going to get the caps removed from the rest of the board.
  6. geokov

    I received a microscope for Christmas and opened up my battery bombed IIci to try it out.

    I had a look at the board under the microscope and I feel like I walked into an episode of HBO's The Last of Us... (if you've seen it, you'll know)
  7. geokov

    Quadra 700 PSU capacitor list (Astec AA15831)

    Thank you very much for taking the time to post this list, I have a non-working ASTEC AA15831 PSU from my IIci in pieces on my desk and went looking for a list of needed caps. This is well organized and helpful post. :)
  8. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    Hi, thanks for taking the time to help, that's exactly what I'm going to try.
  9. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    Thank you. I had to do a repair elsewhere on the board where a capacitor exploded so I have some appropriate magnet wire. Clearing the vias could be a challenge, I have seen other people drill them out if they are particularly stubborn. I'll keep my fingers crossed. I got this cheap LC just to...
  10. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    Thanks for all your help, I really appreciate it. The one in the circle is the trace and via in question but they all look a little crunchy in that area, I need to clean them up. If you don't mind one last question, what do use for the initial cleaning of corrosion like this? Before any soldering.
  11. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    I probed both the pin on the port and where it is soldered at the back of the board. I can't see any breaks in the trace but there is a pretty sketchy looking via. I'm going to try re-soldering the pin in question on the port first, if that doesn't change things then I'll move on to the via and...
  12. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    I tried changing the ID to 0. Unfortunately, it didn't have an effect on the problem.
  13. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    I printed out the SCSI schematics for my LC and tested everything. I did find that there is a problem, I have marked it on the attached schematic. I can't see anything obvious with my naked eye, the continuity from the internal SCSI to the chip is good so that narrows it down to something with...
  14. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    Thanks for taking the time to help, I'll have a look for that. :)
  15. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    Hi, thanks for taking the time to reply. Luckily my LC didn't have that large capacitor over the chip although I have seen photos of LC boards that do have it. I just downloaded the schematics so I can start checking the continuity to the controller. I have some hope because it sees the drives...
  16. geokov

    Macintosh LC won't mount external SCSI drives

    Hello, I have a problem with my Macintosh LC that I can't seem to solve. I runs well except it won't mount any external SCSI drives. I have tried three different SCSI drives that I have and a CD drive. The LC sees them but they won't mount. When I use SCSIProbe, it sees the drive but its info is...
  17. geokov

    Attempting to remove a blown surface mount tantalum capacitor in an LC question.

    When attempting to remove a blown surface mount tantalum capacitor with a soldering iron, braid and flux, what temperature should my soldering iron be set to? I am comfortable with soldering, I have just never attempted this specific thing. Thanks.
  18. geokov

    C7 capacitor blew in my LC. What does it affect?

    Hello all, I am new to this forum and also to vintage Mac ownership. I purchased a "re-capped" LC for a song but upon opening it I discovered that capacitor C7 had already blown up (it was soldered in upside down). I had a look at the schematics for the LC and I think I have narrowed it down to...