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  1. pat665

    Radius Full Page Display card ?

    Thank you Indeed the seller has no boot disk. Let's hope the battery will hold a bit more. Maybe i's been replaced. -- Merci beaucoup Patrick
  2. pat665

    Radius Full Page Display card ?

    Hi guys, I'm interested in buying a Macintosh SE/30 (again). The last one had a battery cancer and the motherboard was ruined. 1. This one, when powered up, shows the little floppy with a question mark. Is it enough to be certain that the motherboard is OK (and the CRT) ? 2. On the back...
  3. pat665

    How to set the current date on a Macintosh SE ?

    Sorry I wasn't clear enough. I have installed the patch, as suggested by davewonggillies. It's supposed to let one use the arrows and it's true for System 7.1. Install the 2020Patch extension Your solution works too. -- Désolé pour le flou Patrick
  4. pat665

    How to set the current date on a Macintosh SE ?

    The system 7.1 works beautifully on my french system. The General334patch does not unfortunately. I don't have a 6.0.8 french system. Mine is a 6.0.7. I've never been able to get a 6.0.8 french. Using the down arrow to move from 22 to 21 then up to 22, the date resulting was 1945. A second...
  5. pat665

    Happy 2022!

    Bonne année à tous !
  6. pat665

    How to set the current date on a Macintosh SE ?

    Tested and working. It's indeed a good trick. Thank you
  7. pat665

    How to set the current date on a Macintosh SE ?

    Thank you ! I did not know this page. I'm keeping it in my bookmarks for later exploration. I'm using System 6.0.7 (never been able to get the 6.0.8 in French) with vMac, and System 7.1 French on the Mac SE (on a real SCSI drive!). This setdate works on both systems. On system 7, it's working...
  8. pat665

    How to set the current date on a Macintosh SE ?

    Hi guys, It might be a dummy question but it has been puzzling me for quite long. When using the "Date and Time" application (Date et Heure en français) it's impossible to set the year to 2022. It falls back to 1922. Those using the vMac emulator will not see the problem, because the date is...
  9. pat665

    Apple ADB Keyboard restauration problem

    Hi, I have this Apple Keyboard II and some keys are missing their letter. It's a french keyboard and the first row starts with AZERTY. It's barely visible. I don't know of any solution. Maybe some stickers, but they will have to match the Apple font and size. Replace all the keys. If...
  10. pat665

    A cardboard protection for a Macintosh SE

    More like a fun project. I had a card board box to protect my Macintosh SE. Using a papercraft model from here I've decorated the front part. I was very happy with the result and took this little video and sent it to my children. -- Patrick
  11. pat665

    MAC SE/30 CRT problem

    Hi and happy new year to all of you. I had finally some free time to clean the board as best as I could. I've used WD40 to deal with the rust, then soap and brush and a couple of hours in vinegar. During the process this little piece detached. I don't know its purpose and if it's replaceable...
  12. pat665

    MAC SE/30 CRT problem

    The beast has been opened and fixing it will be more than a recap. The battery leaked and corroded many things. This part seems very very bad. I don't think I have the skills to repair it. At this point, my priority would be to stop the corrosion, cleaning the motherboard to prevent...
  13. pat665

    MAC SE/30 CRT problem

    Thank you all for the good advices. I've just received the beast. It looked better on the picture ! I did not plugged it because the power socket is twisted in the back. I'll have to open it before in order to evaluate the damages. I'll post pictures. Fortunately I have a Mac SE in pretty good...
  14. pat665

    MAC SE/30 CRT problem

    Thank you ! Simasimac is the "sesame" I needed. It actually opened many doors for a possible solution. I will try them as soon as possible and keep you posted. Patrick
  15. pat665

    MAC SE/30 CRT problem

    Hi This is my first post here. I've just get a Macintosh SE/30 with a CRT problem, hoping it can be fixed. Is there a dedicated resource, blog, Youtube, that could help fix such a problem ? This is the problem (image). Best regards Patrick