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  1. Doug_M

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    I'v been reading the mangosbot (by Ike3) docs on GitHub and it would seem Mangos Two is excluded. It doesn't appear to be a separate add-on either but rather a fork of Mangos. So to add playerbots the TinkerDifferent WoW server would have to be scrapped in its entirety and replaced. Probably...
  2. Doug_M

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    The WoW server is working great and I've been having fun. But it is empty (at least when I've been playing). Perhaps adding some bots would be good? I don't know if they can be added retroactively or if one needs to use a different server (i.e. CMangos) altogether.
  3. Doug_M

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    Being Canadian I am fluent in both British and American English :p but I installed the US versions from Mac Garden. Makes no difference with the server does it? Just personal preference?
  4. Doug_M

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    Thanks. I'm in. I couldn't find the patch (for Mac, found it for PC) so I wiped the game install and reinstalled everything with the correct 3.3.5a patch at the end. Was quite painful as I seem to have a bad IDE to SATA adapter that dropped the transfer rate to about 2mb. Took a few hours. But...
  5. Doug_M

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    That's just a typo in my post here. It is correct on the G4. But I see the issue. I've somehow managed to download and install the "rare" (or so Reddit tells me) 3.3.5 patch and not the 3.3.5a patch. So I'm on the hunt for the 3.3.5-3.3.5a patch. Easy to find the Windows version, haven't found...
  6. Doug_M

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    Can't login. I get "Unable to validate game version. This may be caused by file corruption...." I am running version 3.3.5 (12213) Release, PowerPC June 8 2010, on OS X 10.4.11. My wtf file has: set realm list games.tinkerdifferentcom set patchlist set...
  7. Doug_M

    TinkerDifferent Game Server - Now testing!

    For anyone who gets stuck installing patch 3.2.2a-3.3.0 (doesn't run, gives no error), it just needs execute permissions. Open terminal and chmod 777 the executable in the patch. Can't remember the exact file name now, but it'll be something like: chmod 777...