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  1. dgveedubbus89

    SE/30 SIMASIMAC w/ Stock ROM

    Thanks for the info Kai! Knowing that any old ROM might exhibit the issue at some point makes me lean towards another ROM-inator II. Just seems more beneficial in so many other ways. Guess I have myself a working SE/30 :) Your feedback is much appreciated and it is a pleasure Kai! You are one...
  2. dgveedubbus89

    SE/30 SIMASIMAC w/ Stock ROM

    Hello Everyone, First post here, transferred from 68KMLA. Recently purchased a SE/30 with SIMASIMAC. When I received it I did a full RECAP but that did not solve the issue. I had watched the G.O.A.T MAC84 going over an SE/30 and noticed he replaced the Stock ROM with a ROM-inator II and that...