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  1. P

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    I'm not sure why it's not "regular guy" user friendly.
  2. P

    BlueSCSI v2 - DaynaPORT WiFi!

    I'm not techy in the least. I'd just like to know why every emulator I've used won't import files, and because of this, makes it impossible to transfer files from either my modern macbook pro or my macintosh classic 2. Please give me the layman/egghead response. I don't know coding. I just want...
  3. P

    My Performa boots to gray screen

    Console 5 has this
  4. P

    My Performa boots to gray screen

    The logic board looks good. No photos yet. I took off the cover but didnt take anything out
  5. P

    My Performa boots to gray screen

    Performa 200. hard drive spins. No chime
  6. P

    My Performa boots to gray screen

    My Performa boots to gray screen