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  • It's #MARCHintosh 2025! Join in on the fun and post your project or play with some new stuff in our #MARCHintosh 2025 thread.
  1. RetroTechTom

    Macintosh SE 800k CRT adjustement

    Thanks I will have to watch it
  2. RetroTechTom

    Macintosh SE 800k CRT adjustement

    I would like to know on how to adjust the CRT on a Macintosh SE (800k) The picture was when I rebuilt the machine way back in October of 2024 with a replacement analog board since the original analog board failed due a bad flyback transformer and a weak PSU that was dying The right corner of...
  3. RetroTechTom

    Happy New Year !

    Happy New Year !
  4. RetroTechTom

    After one year of being dead due to a bad analog board and putting a good working replacement...

    After one year of being dead due to a bad analog board and putting a good working replacement analog board and a good PSU my 800k Macintosh SE is alive once again
  5. RetroTechTom

    The black Mac no one asked for (Powermac G3 All-In-One Molar)

    It's so beautiful and I love the custom paint job on it
  6. RetroTechTom

    Gave my Mac SE SuperDrive a nice BlueSCSI upgrade and so far it's fantastic and I'm loving it so...

    Gave my Mac SE SuperDrive a nice BlueSCSI upgrade and so far it's fantastic and I'm loving it so far The original 40mb Quantum ProDrive still works and thankfully I have backed it up alongside with that 160mb Conner drive that stopped working sadly
  7. RetroTechTom

    Also I went to check if my 800k Mac SE still had the battery on it's logic board and thankfully...

    Also I went to check if my 800k Mac SE still had the battery on it's logic board and thankfully the old owner did remove it I will have to get the Mac fixed since it no longer turns on (only makes weird unhappy noises no chime at all) I'm suspecting the analog board is faulty since smoke came...
  8. RetroTechTom

    Finally debombed my Mac SE SuperDrive Thankfully the battery which is a Maxwell didn't leak or...

    Finally debombed my Mac SE SuperDrive Thankfully the battery which is a Maxwell didn't leak or explode inside of the computer I installed the MacBatt CR2032 adapter with a brand new CR2032 battery
  9. RetroTechTom

    Any interest in NEW Repro Lombard / Pismo battery packs?

    I wouldn't mind one since my Lombard had a dead battery and I would love to use it more with a battery since I only have 1 charger for my G3 PowerBooks
  10. RetroTechTom

    PowerBook 165 replacement display ribbon cable I got my replacement cable since the original display cable in my 145 also broke in half when I was testing the display from my PowerBook 165
  11. RetroTechTom

    PowerBook 145 Display issues

    I also tested the display from my PowerBook 165 into the 145 and it works perfectly fine
  12. RetroTechTom

    PowerBook 145 Display issues

    I'm the owner of that PowerBook 145 and it would show a weird display when it's running
  13. RetroTechTom

    Tinker Different 2024 Calendar Competition

    Sounds like a cool event here's my first entry :)
  14. RetroTechTom

    What's your oldest working battery?

    I have 3 working batteries for my 3 PowerBook G3's Two of my original Wallstreets and my PDQ has a working one that does hold a decent charge about 3 hours (if i'm correct i might need to recheck them yet again ) I also have the working 12 inch iBook G4 battery in my 12 inch iBook G3 Dual USB...