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  1. M

    New Way to Transfer Files to Vintage Macs!

    One of the biggest pain points of working with vintage Macs, in my opinion, is getting files to it. Here is the scenario: you've just download a file from Macintosh Garden and now you want to get it to your vintage Mac. Depending on the age of your Mac and your environment, the process might be...
  2. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    It only took me two years to reply, but I think this problem has been resolved in V1.1. Many clients fail when sent indexed colors, which was all the original MiniVNC supported. I believe V1.1 goes a long way towards addressing that problem.
  3. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    Hello, I wanted to update this thread with a note that I made a pretty major update to MiniVNC. The thing I wanted to focus on in this release was compatibility with clients other than RealVNC. Due to processor limitations, B&W 68000 Macs can only use the older TRLE encoding and still require...
  4. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    In this latest video, I talk to Rick from about the Apple Lisa while I remotely connect and control his Lisa computers via the Internet using MiniVNC!
  5. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    New release! I've made major strides in generalizing the application, so now one executable should run on both B&W and Color Macs at any resolution. While a dedicated build would theoretically perform a tad better, in testing I was not able to see a difference. This latest version also adds...
  6. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    The B&W version is locked to 512x342 resolution, but you can set your color Mac to B&W in the monitors Control Panel and then run the “MiniVNC for Color Macs (Pack 0)”. This will essentially use the same compression as the B&W one.
  7. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    You know, I wouldn't be able to do any of this without RaSCSI, so thank you for giving Macs such an awesome capability! :)
  8. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    Hi all! New video demonstration of the very latest release:
  9. M

    New Remote Desktop Server for Vintage Macs

    Hello everyone, I wanted to share with you a project I have been working on since last year. It is a remote desktop server I wrote from scratch using MacTCP. It was originally an experiment to see whether a Macintosh Plus could be controlled remotely, but has since been expanded to support...
  10. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    New beta release with several fixes for Jaz drives!
  11. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    I know some of you here were wanting to use TIP with a Jaz drive, so I present you with the first test of "TIP for Macintosh" on an Iomega Jaz cartridge and drive! This is with the December 3rd beta release!
  12. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    @alxlab: I'm not sure if Steve would be willing to open source SpinRite, as I suspect he might still make money out of the sales. I think there are other obstacles to porting it to the Mac, however. "Trouble in Paradise" was pretty an ideal candidate for porting to the Mac: It talks to the...
  13. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    Hey everyone! New release! This should correct detection of Jaz drives and has other UI improvements!
  14. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    Hello everyone, I have published the first beta release! This one has the code for the Jaz drives enabled, but is untested. Please see this discussion to download the file and report your findings! If you have a moment, also consider also starring the repository! Thank you! Please be aware that...
  15. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    Well, it just figures that all the enthusiasm is for Jaz drives, rather than Zip drives, because that is the bit I haven't fully implemented yet. I should be able to add Jaz support in the next few days!
  16. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    I don't know how many people use Iomega Zip or Jaz drives with their vintage Macs, but my latest project has been to port Steve Gibson's amazing Windows 95 Zip drive and cartridge testing utility, Trouble in Paradise, to the Mac. I now have a way to test the health of my Zip drives and...
  17. M

    New Zip and Jaz Cartridge Testing Tool!

    I don't know how many people use Iomega Zip or Jaz drives with their vintage Macs, but my latest project has been to port Steve Gibson's amazing Windows 95 Zip drive and cartridge testing utility, Trouble in Paradise, to the Mac. I now have a way to test the health of my Zip drives and...
  18. M

    Releasing my Macintosh Shareware in the Internet Archive, including registration keys and source code!

    Hello everyone, During the early 1990s, I was fairly active developing Shareware for the Macintosh. One of my programs in particular, ScreenChooser, was very popular and it allowed people to customize their Macs with a desktop picture, something that was quite unusual in those days. The program...
  19. M

    Releasing my Macintosh Shareware in the Internet Archive, including registration keys and source code!

    Hello everyone, During the early 1990s, I was fairly active developing Shareware for the Macintosh. One of my programs in particular, ScreenChooser, was very popular and it allowed people to customize their Macs with a desktop picture, something that was quite unusual in those days. The program...