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  1. Alf Torp

    2006 iMac Core2Duo running Elementary OS

    Interesting. Might be something wrong with mine then, because on YT, not even the thumbnails load.
  2. Alf Torp

    2006 iMac Core2Duo running Elementary OS

    There are some legacy solutions, fair enough. I don't particularly like them though :) The biggest issue the way I see it is that 3GB of RAM is more limiting in Mac OS X than it seems to be with some Linux versions.
  3. Alf Torp

    2006 iMac Core2Duo running Elementary OS

    I got my hands on this computer about 6 months ago, and I've been wondering what to do with it. I've got a basement workshop that I use for some woodworking as well as a place to make wiring looms for a guy who builds drop-in, plug-and-play replacement injection systems for vintage Jaguar V12...
  4. Alf Torp

    Xserve1,1 gives me the nope, nopity nope treatment

    ...aaaaaand two more. 1 single processor 2.26 with hardware RAID built in and a battery that is dead, as well as an XServe G4. So, grand total of 5, and one XServe RAID. Now I just need 4 more RAIDS, a 25 U rack to put everything in and a sponsorship with the local power company.... :ROFLMAO...
  5. Alf Torp

    You on Mastodon?

    Pretty much the next thing up from writing the 0's and 1's on paper and sending them by snail mail :) Fun times!
  6. Alf Torp

    Monterey - How can I prevent Control Center from loading?

    So true. There are times a bit of venting is needed, though. I think perhaps this was one of them. My daily driver needs to be reliable and comfy, and the GUI in Monterey was just too washed out, contrastless and glaring in light mode, and contrastless and too dark in dark mode, and the...
  7. Alf Torp

    Monterey - How can I prevent Control Center from loading?

    Reinstalled Catalina. Monterey is a total and utter disaster in my opinion/experience. It looks like I won't be buying anything too new to be capable of running Catalina. Monterey looks and feels like something slapped together at a christmas party at Fisher-Price in 1981. How it got the...
  8. Alf Torp

    You on Mastodon?

    I tend to follow particular subjects and topics that interest me rather than people. Personally I find that people aren't really all that interesting (myself included) so forums work better for me. Many years ago I was on Facebook, but my interest in what people had for breakfast waned quickly...
  9. Alf Torp

    Monterey - How can I prevent Control Center from loading?

    I usually find that I will go to extraordinary lengths to turn things off that I don't want/need, including reinstalling older operating systems. After making the new install crash 17 times first, naturally. Personally I'm so fed up with fads, "features" and "look-at...
  10. Alf Torp

    Monterey - How can I prevent Control Center from loading?

    Good tip and I don't mind paying $16, but I'd rather just prevent Control Centre from launching at all.
  11. Alf Torp

    You on Mastodon?

    I've kind of given up on all the chat things. There are too many platforms, too many choices... it generates a lot of "noise" because everyone and their grandmother seem to invent new platforms twice before lunch every day :D I stick to the forums. Far more structured.
  12. Alf Torp

    Monterey - How can I prevent Control Center from loading?

    I recently updated from Catalina to Monterey and I am really annoyed by not being able to remove Control Center from the menu bar. Thankfully, Apple has finally enabled the user to remove the Spotlight icon, but not so with the CC icon. I want it gone, because I never use it, don't need it and...
  13. Alf Torp

    Xserve Raid, what a piece of kit it could be...

    So... it's -18°C here today. Naturally, that prompted me to check the status of my Xserve RAID: It's in a small workshop room (2x7 meters) I have outside, and there is no other heat in the room than the Xserves and the RAID. Coolest RAID in tow....vill...comm... my place. Coolest RAID in my place.
  14. Alf Torp

    Xserve G5 Power Supply Recap

    I am guessing the power supplies are no the same as in the Intel Xserves? Just an idle question because I am too lazy to look it up right now.
  15. Alf Torp

    Xserve1,1 gives me the nope, nopity nope treatment

    ....and another one. So now I am up to 3 XServes and 1 RAID. I really could use another RAID or two though. Because I can't keep the heat up in the workshop where I keep all of it when it dips below -10°C... :rolleyes:
  16. Alf Torp

    Xserve Raid, what a piece of kit it could be...

    Been doing a little bit of digging with regards to the maximum drive size allowed in the XServe RAID. It seems to be the RAID firmware ONLY, that limits the disk size. The UltraATA standard supports far larger drives than the 1TB limit in the firmware. Now, all I need to do is find the guys who...
  17. Alf Torp

    The Influence of Steve Jobs

    One thing I personally feel has changed since Jobs died is the general quality control and feature implementation of the software, and to some extent the hardware. It reflects in minor things, like small inconsistencies in GUI, changes to minor functionality (like change active windows of an...
  18. Alf Torp

    The Influence of Steve Jobs

    A small, personal Steve Jobs anecdote: I was working for an Apple dealer in Oslo just when Steve Jobs came back to Apple. I had seen and heard a couple of "incidents", decisions made by my company that reflected poorly on both Apple products and service performance. I had taken it up with my...
  19. Alf Torp

    Xserve1,1 gives me the nope, nopity nope treatment

    Crapskis... I guess I now own yet another Xserve. $20. Complete except caddies. *sigh*
  20. Alf Torp

    Dumpster diving is fun

    Build a small shelf or articulating arm and put it on the wall over the bench maybe? One thing I can say for sure: Having passed 50, the 30" is a godsend for my eyes 🤓