Monterey - How can I prevent Control Center from loading?

Alf Torp

I recently updated from Catalina to Monterey and I am really annoyed by not being able to remove Control Center from the menu bar. Thankfully, Apple has finally enabled the user to remove the Spotlight icon, but not so with the CC icon. I want it gone, because I never use it, don't need it and find it annoying as all get out to see it there. I'd also like to unload Apples clock, as ItsyCal fits the bill far better for me.

So, has anyone successfully removed CC permanently from the menu bar? Could you share how?


Oct 26, 2021
i usually find its more trouble then its worth trying to disable bits of the OS you don't like. You will end up with strange and unexpected behavior. Better just to hide stuff you don't like. (Finder and the Dock are two other examples)

Alf Torp

i usually find its more trouble then its worth trying to disable bits of the OS you don't like. You will end up with strange and unexpected behavior. Better just to hide stuff you don't like. (Finder and the Dock are two other examples)
I usually find that I will go to extraordinary lengths to turn things off that I don't want/need, including reinstalling older operating systems. After making the new install crash 17 times first, naturally.

Personally I'm so fed up with fads, "features" and "look-at me-I-can-do-double-somersaults-while-wistling-Dixie-and-baking-cake!" additions that has absolutely no effect on how I use my computer - (except I can't turn them off, mind) that I am about two MacOS releases away from starting to write zeros and ones on paper and mailing them instead of writing text messages :ROFLMAO:

Honestly, ever since 10.4 or thereabouts, the first thing I do after upgrading is to spend about half a day disabling stuff I never will use. "Bloatware" doesn't quite cover it :)

Alf Torp

Reinstalled Catalina. Monterey is a total and utter disaster in my opinion/experience. It looks like I won't be buying anything too new to be capable of running Catalina.

Monterey looks and feels like something slapped together at a christmas party at Fisher-Price in 1981. How it got the go-ahead after quality control is beyond me.


Oct 26, 2021
to each their own. I like the modern macOS's. Currently running Ventura but pretty much enjoyed every Mac OS X. (including the buggy mac os 10.0 and 10.1 !!!)
That is, whatever floats your boat.

Which isn't to try to change your mind! just pointing out that there are people out there who do like the new OS's.

I do keep a copy of Mojave running because it can run 32bit programs. and its nice being able to run those. So if it was me, i wouldn't even install Catalina.

If i REALLY wanted to be able to completely customize and design my OS. i would run Linux. I WAS really into doing that 10-20 years ago. But i found i don't really care that much anymore. ( i would rather just not have the choice)

end of the day i think would rather be running Classic mac os !
that could be a bumper sticker.
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Alf Torp

to each their own. I like the modern macOS's. Currently running Ventura but pretty much enjoyed every Mac OS X. (including the buggy mac os 10.0 and 10.1 !!!)
That is, whatever floats your boat.

Which isn't to try to change your mind! just pointing out that there are people out there who do like the new OS's.

I do keep a copy of Mojave running because it can run 32bit programs. and its nice being able to run those. So if it was me, i wouldn't even install Catalina.

If i REALLY wanted to be able to completely customize and design my OS. i would run Linux. I WAS really into doing that 10-20 years ago. But i found i don't really care that much anymore. ( i would rather just not have the choice)

end of the day i think would rather be running Classic mac os !
that could be a bumper sticker.
So true.

There are times a bit of venting is needed, though. I think perhaps this was one of them. My daily driver needs to be reliable and comfy, and the GUI in Monterey was just too washed out, contrastless and glaring in light mode, and contrastless and too dark in dark mode, and the definitions and crispness that you had in earlier version just wasn't there. And the iOS "appness" of it all made me want to run the computer over... So back to Catalina it was. :D

I must admit though that with all the changes Apple has been making to macOS, it's not going to be long before I personally will jump ship. I do not like where they are going. Not one bit. What happened to their GUI guidelines? One that springs to mind is how they described that functions should be available with the fewest amounts of clicks and menus possible....

Sorry. This is turning in to a rant. I'll stop now! :D
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