Search results

  1. pocketscience

    Found my original iPod (M8541), and it's a beauty

    Are you trying to make me feel old..??!! Also.. GET OFF MY LAWN!! :ROFLMAO:
  2. pocketscience

    G4 Cube VRM

    What OS are you running on it? My install is pretty clean using stock bits, but it simply won't boot into Tiger. 9.1 is perfectly fine.
  3. pocketscience

    Retro Fuzion C64 Cases

    (No affiliation!) Did anyone else back this project on IndieGoGo? I couldn't help myself and am eagerly awaiting this campaign concluding so we can choose colours and they can start getting new C64 cases out to folk! Cheers,
  4. pocketscience

    Looking for a Replacement PSU for an SE or SE/30?

    Mine is on a plane somewhere between the US and Australia.. looking forward to receiving it!
  5. pocketscience

    Found my original iPod (M8541), and it's a beauty

    Have been searching my home for this for a little while (yes, I have too much stuff!). Anyway, I knew it worked when I last tried it ~10 years ago, but had bought a new battery in preparation for what I expected when the device re-surfaced. But I think I wasted my money... It took a charge and I...
  6. pocketscience

    G4 Cube VRM

    My Wallstreet PDQ II is pretty happy with its SSD but pre OS X…
  7. pocketscience

    G4 Cube VRM

    No worries James, when I get a moment I'll take a look at that thread and comment there with my experience.
  8. pocketscience

    G4 Cube VRM

    Ohhh, that may be what has been tripping me up... I'll keep working on my restore work with the iMac keyboard, and hope that it starts behaving correctly when the top plate is back inside the Cube itself... I did get my SSD install working last night James.. nothing particularly special. mSATA...
  9. pocketscience

    G4 Cube VRM

    Thanks James, this is helpful. However I think I might have been wandering down the wrong path. The symptoms were very much pointing towards being power related. The machine would boot with just the HDD attached, but as soon as I tried booting with the CD, or any USB devices attached, it would...
  10. pocketscience

    G4 Cube VRM

    I'm pretty sure the VRM in my Cube is toast. Has anyone had any luck obtaining a SuperVRM, or equivalent? Cheers,
  11. pocketscience

    What pinball games for Classic 68k and Power PC can you recommend?

    Another pinball tragic! Good to hear! I've never had much luck with virtual pinball outside of "Pinball Arcade" on the iPad.. Real pinball machines in my collection currently: Surf Champ, Atlantis, Strange World, Black Rose and Checkpoint (Porsche themed)..
  12. pocketscience

    PowerBook G3 CPU swaps..?

    Does anyone know if a CPU daughter card from a Pismo or Lombard will work in a Wallstreet II? They *look* like they should...
  13. pocketscience

    Libretto 50CT back in action

    My Libretto 50CT had been sat in a box for many years. I had last played with it probably close to 10 years ago.. at the time I had resurrected it with a fresh Win95 install, and had purchased a new battery pack. Then it went in a box and hadn't come out til last weekend.. It was not happy...
  14. pocketscience

    Fixing cracked ABS plastic

    Does anyone have any experience with repairing a Portable bottom casing? Mine literally just fell apart as I was carefully putting it away. I’m gutted. The rear right corner came off in one big piece, and took the latch/button with it. :(
  15. pocketscience

    Recapping Portable power supply

    Cool, thanks!
  16. pocketscience

    Replacing the soft square CUSHIONS under Spacebar

    With my car hobby I have a good supply of Tesa tape so will be giving my Portable keyboard similar treatment I think!
  17. pocketscience

    Recapping Portable power supply

    I think I'm going mad... I was sure I'd seen YT video detailing the steps to recap a Portable's power supply, including getting into the brick without destroying anything... I actually have a baggie of caps taped to my power supply for the recapping, so I'm assuming I got the cap list from...
  18. pocketscience

    Best OS for Portable 5120?

    RAM isn't an issue - I currently have 4MB in it, but I have I believe the full collection of available cards. I was actually trying to get AirTalk working on it and was having zero luck with 6.0.8 so thought I'd try 7.1 to see if that helped. It didn't. Guess I'll go back to 6.0.8, and return to...
  19. pocketscience

    I, too, tired of having to plug my BlueSCSI into power

    Where did you tap the 5V from out of interest? Any pics of your mod?